Blue Bloods "Most Hated" List: 5 Characters Fans Can't Stand

Blue Bloods
Image credit: CBS

It turns out that the most hated characters by fans are the Reagans.

Since its debut on CBS 13 years ago, Blue Bloods has become a favorite among fans of the police procedural genre and a Friday night staple after a busy work week. It's no wonder, as the show's creators skillfully combine elements of crime and family drama, police brutality and ethical dilemmas, generational trauma and generational conflict.

Over the 13 seasons of the series, the writers have delivered a lot of both great and frankly mediocre events, but the same goes for the characters, as there are both beautifully written and, to put it mildly, unsightly ones among their immeasurable number. We decided to make a list of the Blue Bloods characters that many fans dislike. You may be surprised to learn that there are no supporting characters on this list.

5. Frank Reagan

Blue Bloods

Yes, our list starts with good old Pops. The patriarch of the family adds gravitas to the plot by his mere presence. Despite his status and authority, he's quite reserved, listens to his younger colleagues, and is open to change and reform despite his age and experience in the police force.

However, Frank has his share of haters in the fandom. His actions are sometimes contradictory. For example, he is willing to blindly follow the rules, making no exceptions for anyone. But when it comes to his loved ones, he immediately turns his privileges against the system and looks for loopholes. On top of that, his parenting methods are highly questionable: the way he makes Erin do things that any other DA wouldn't do.

4. Danny Reagan

Blue Bloods

On the one hand, Danny is a great detective who has solved many cases and brought justice to crime-ridden New York. He is also devoted to his family, and considering that Blue Bloods is a family drama, this point is incredibly important. On the other hand, Donnie Wahlberg's character seems to be even more conservative than Frank himself, preferring to enforce the law using the most aggressive, brutal and controversial tactics.

3. Erin Reagan

Blue Bloods

Erin's fate is by no means the easiest. Frank’s only daughter, who grew up in a male-dominated family, the only member of the Reagans who took a different path, choosing not to become a police officer, but a lawyer, eventually becoming an Assistant District Attorney in New York County. Also a single mother!

Unfortunately, that doesn't excuse how arrogant and cold she can be, and her blind adherence to the law, even when something threatens her loved ones, infuriates fans.

2. Nicky Reagan-Boyle

Blue Bloods

Nicky is definitely her mother's daughter, and at times an incredibly arrogant know-it-all. On the one hand, she is supposed to be the more liberal and left-leaning counterpoint to the opinions of all the Reagans at the family table. On the other hand, her statements don't consider the context of what's going on, which makes them completely meaningless.

1. Eddie Janko-Reagan

Blue Bloods

By now you're probably wondering. Why the hell, why are the Reagans exclusively on the list, and why is none other than many people's favorite Eddie at the top of it? Well, firstly, we're basing our selection on the opinions of many fans (pinky promise!), and secondly, unfortunately, the most recent season of Blue Bloods, the thirteenth, did not do Eddie justice at all.

A badass cop, a character who brings no small amount of freshness to the events of the series. It's all Eddie. And yet, instead of finally making her, say, a detective, Season 13 only reduced her relevance and autonomy by limiting all her actions to asking Danny for help every time she's in trouble.

Do you think the characters listed are that bad?