Black Mirror Will Have a Hard Time Topping This Sick S3 Episode in New Season

Black Mirror Will Have a Hard Time Topping This Sick S3 Episode in New Season
Image credit: Netflix

Black Mirror fans are probably hunkered down right now waiting for the next serving of dystopian horror.

There is no doubt that Black Mirror is one of the darkest shows that has ever existed on television. But the thing is, it may even be the only one that makes fans tremble with horror and physical pain as they watch each new episode.

With every new one, you sure expect it to be worse than the one you already saw. But the things you see in yet another episode somehow find a way to scare you on a whole different level.

The fans claim that one of the most terrifying episodes were White Bear or Hated In The Nation.

But there is no doubt that the one episode that makes fans shake their heads while watching the show and actually roll their eyes in a bad kind of surprise is the episode 3 of season 3 titled Shut Up and Dance.

The thing is, you would never expect this particular episode to be so dark. It tells the story of a young boy who was just caught masturbating in front of his computer and was recorded by its camera.

After that, he will be manipulated into doing some terrible things in exchange for the video. And if he refuses the terms offered, the "bad guys" would leak the video on the Internet and send it to everyone he knows.

The first thing that fans were horrified of is the fact that it looks like something that could happen to anybody.

"It takes place in real-time, meaning things like this can happen in real life. It shows how dangerous and vulnerable OUR technology is. It's the reason I have a post-it over my camera," Redditor donohueo said.

As the story continues, you even feel pity for the boy. Like what since when is this teenage behavior a thing to be manipulated by?

And you frankly start to wonder, why is it so hard for Kenny to just give up and let them leak the video? So unintentionally, you just start waiting for the twist. And there it comes…

"When his mom calls him and says that they were kids I felt sick. Then I remember the kid he gave the toy to at his work. I couldn't watch another episode after that one. My all-time favorite part was when in the end he hobbled away from the police," Redditor donohueo said.

This kind of twist is so unexpected that it really makes you loathe the boy, and all the feelings you had for him just vanish, and all you have left is the desire to throw up.

Well, let's just hope that the new upcoming season will focus on technological development and not on things that can destroy your mental health.

New season of Black Mirror arrives on Netflix on June 15.