Black Mirror S6 Was Made To Dig Past 'Tech Is Bad' Narrative, But Fell Flat With Viewers

Black Mirror S6 Was Made To Dig Past 'Tech Is Bad' Narrative, But Fell Flat With Viewers
Image credit: Netflix

Perhaps, the changes were too sudden for the audience.

There's no denying that Black Mirror season 6 has been eagerly awaited by many people who loved the show before its long hiatus. The show got caught up in the behind-the-scenes drama with Netflix executives and almost fell victim to it, but was caught for another season.

Season 6 premiered on the streaming platform on Thursday, June 15, and has already received a lot of very controversial reviews. With 5 episodes ranging in genre and style from true crime documentary to absurd fantasy, the show once again managed to surprise fans.

This time, however, not everyone thought the surprise was a good one.

To everyone's delight, Black Mirror stayed true to the hype it received. On the official Netflix website, the season was called "the most unpredictable <...> yet", and it was a statement that fans found very true.

No one expected to see Salma Hayek sporting the most popular teenage girl hairstyle of 2020, nor did anyone expect the show to deviate from its main premise.

Black Mirror S6 Was Made To Dig Past 'Tech Is Bad' Narrative, But Fell Flat With Viewers - image 1

What used to be a technological dystopia that intrigued and slightly scared most viewers with images of a very possible future, moved into the realm of the supernatural, and not many people were able to appreciate it.

So many fans were confused about when the change happened, but co-creator Charlie Brooker argues that Black Mirror was misunderstood from the beginning:

“There was a slight danger... that people were bracketing [the series] as the 'tech is bad' show – and I found that a bit frustrating partly because I always felt like, 'Well the show isn't saying tech is bad, the show is saying people are f#cked up,'” he mentioned to GamesRadar+.

Whether or not the idea was misinterpreted by viewers in the first place, people liked what they saw, which is why Black Mirror survived to season 6 in the first place.

Changing the narrative after all these years was a risky decision, and judging by the episode's reviews, not the one that paid off.

If you want to watch Black Mirror season 6 and judge for yourself, all 5 episodes are already available to stream on Netflix.

Source: GamesRadar+