Black Mirror S5 Episode That Is More Relevant This Month Than You Thought

Black Mirror S5 Episode That Is More Relevant This Month Than You Thought
Image credit: Netflix

Let's not forget the iconic episodes of the show's past years.

After the announcement of Black Mirror Season 6 release date (which is today), true fans of the series have been absolutely obsessed with re-watching previous seasons of the iconic British series to remember all the sci-fi high-tech horror scenes that were created long years ago.

Well, frankly, that's what we've been doing too, because despite the fact that sometimes it's easier on your nerves to watch the show through your fingers, it's still impossible to stop yourself from binge-watching the creepy show over and over again.

And one episode that really caught our attention was the season 5 episode titled Striking Vipers.

For those who forgot, it's the one where two straight male friends found them in a VR sexual relationship that left them wondering "what the hell is going on?"

The fact that two friends, one happily married and one changing girls like gloves, suddenly felt different once put into alternate game reality just made them feel crazy.

Danny had a male body in the game, while Karl was turned into a girl. And it seems like the two of them developed some sort of strong feelings for each other.

After having sex for a while in VR reality, both of them started to feel awkward in the real world. Danny felt he was cheating on his wife and Karl became obsessed with the game and with their characters in there.

So they had nothing else to do to find out whether the game turned them into a gay couple or maybe they were bisexual now, or what other possible explanation could there be?!

These questions were driving both of them mad until they didn't try to find out whether they have the same sexual attraction in real life.

"No, definitely not gay." But what then? Well, this is the question that the show's creator Charlie Brooker wanted us to find the answer to.

And it turned out that it's pretty simple. Especially in today's world. And especially in a month like June.

The thing is not to put labels on sexuality, but rather embrace it and welcome it in any way it comes to you. Even if it's scary and unknown, like something seeming "not real" and being framed in a VR world.

The most controversial thing that happened in this episode is actually its ending. As we see, Danny couldn't get away from the feelings he developed toward the game version of Karl and make their one day VR getaway a yearly thing.

But while he is broadening his sexuality in a tech world, his wife, at the same time, is given an actual opportunity to hook up with someone else. Well, now the question that is still in the air is – are they on the same level here?

Or cheating (even with approval) in real life is a whole other thing? Seems like the showrunner wanted us to decide that on our own…