Black Mirror Creator Has Some Strong Words For Those Who Don’t Get His Show’s Idea

Black Mirror Creator Has Some Strong Words For Those Who Don’t Get His Show’s Idea
Image credit: Netflix

It’s not the tech that is bad, it’s the people who are f*cked up.

In a world where technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, it’s no wonder that Black Mirror, with its unique storytelling and chilling depiction of a not-so-distant future, has become so popular.

However, amidst the speculation and interpretation of the show's message, the showrunner of Black Mirror, Charlie Brooker himself has stepped forward to clarify the true intention behind the show.

Black Mirror serves literally as a mirror, reflecting the flaws and frailties of humanity rather than condemning the advancement of technology itself.

In an interview to Games Radar, Brooker acknowledges this point by stating, "The show isn't saying tech is bad, the show is saying people are f*cked up."

Black Mirror Creator Has Some Strong Words For Those Who Don’t Get His Show’s Idea - image 1

He emphasizes that the series aims to shed light on how we, as individuals and as a society, interact with technology and the impact it has on our lives.

One of the recurring themes in Black Mirror is the exploration of human nature, flaws, and obsessions. The show aims to expose how our desires, insecurities, and vices can amplify or be exploited by technology.

The series often serves as a cautionary tale, warning us of the dangerous consequences that arise when we allow our worst instincts to govern our relationship with technology.

Each episode of Black Mirror peels back a different layer, exploring various aspects of our relationship with tech. It dives deep into the consequences of seeking validation through social media, the ethical dilemmas of artificial intelligence, or the negative effects of virtual reality.

While Black Mirror shows us a dystopian future, it also serves as a wake-up call for taking responsibility. The series wants us to be more aware of how we engage with technology and to question the impact of our choices.

By shining a light on the darker aspects of our tech addiction, the show sparks critical thinking and prompts us to consider the long-term effects of our decisions — both on a personal level and for society as a whole.

The recently released season 6 of Black Mirror is available on Netflix.

Source: Games Radar