
Black Hermione Again? Fans Are Pissed Off About Harry Potter Reboot

Black Hermione Again? Fans Are Pissed Off About Harry Potter Reboot
Image credit: globallookpress

The new Harry Potter remake has just hit the news, and HBO Max was probably expecting a warmer reaction from the people. Well, we proved them wrong!

The Harry Potter fandom is restless about the reboot. We don't know much, but what we do know is enough to start freaking out, apparently.

Fun fact #1: The reboot is supposed to be a "faithful adaptation" of the novels (we don't believe you, but OK).

Less-fun fact #2: The show is set to be a "decade-long" series with an entirely "new cast" (sounds like everything we've ever dreamed of, but let's not get ahead of ourselves).

Not-such-a-fun fact #3: J.K. Rowling will be involved as an executive producer (remember what happened the last time she was at the wheel when that wretched play was released?).

This is all we know about the reboot that no one really wants. Come on, the last movie came out only 12 years ago – make something original, we beg of you…

The cast of the remake has yet to be announced, but fans are already worried, especially about Hermione. The play-that-must-not-be-named is to blame here.

As you may recall, a black actress, Noma Dumezweni, landed the role of Hermione in the play, and everyone went ballistic (despite Rowling's support for the casting decision).

We are not saying the backlash was racist, but it was not pretty.

In 2016, the author herself gave an interview to The Observer, in which she stated that "Noma was chosen because she was the best actress for the job."

Voicing her support for the actress, Rowling talked about how Hermione was never "white" in the books as the only description we had of her looks was "brown eyes and frizzy hair."

Now, Potterheads are convinced that HBO Max is once again trying to fulfill their diversity quota, and Hermione will be the "victim." This time, it is much more complicated.

Since Rowling is still under fire for her allegedly transphobic views, but she will be involved in the production of the show, fans seem to believe that casting a black actress as Hermione will secure "a diversity shield against the backlash."

They might have a point there.

Fans are in love with Emma Watson's portrayal of Hermione, and this may be another reason why everyone is so against the possibility of changing the character's race (or rather, changing the actress) in the reboot.

As we said, the whole thing is just too soon to be rebooted, the memories are still too fresh in people's minds!

Let's keep our fingers crossed for good news as we wait for more details about this disaster of a remake.