Bella and Edward Suck (Literally): This Vampire Couple Is Actually the GOAT

Bella and Edward Suck (Literally): This Vampire Couple Is Actually the GOAT
Image credit: Summit Entertainment

Time to stop idolizing Twilight love story.

The vampire and human romance is a tale as old as time. But for the last decade there was one particular couple who had us all in a chokehold. Yes, it’s Bella Swan and her vampire boo, Edward Cullen.

With many fans worshiping their couple, some people beg to differ: according to them, it’s time to address the real number one human/vampire couple.

The story that really deserves our attention is that of Dracula and Lisa from Netflix 's Castlevania series. Their relationship is something extraordinary from the very first scene they share. The thing is, Lisa has a dream of becoming a doctor with the only purpose to save people at any cost.

The society she lived in didn't quite understand her, so they called her a witch, which actually helped her realize that she needed the help of someone beyond this world. That’s how she ended up on Dracula's doorstep. And thus begins the story...

Bella and Edward Suck (Literally): This Vampire Couple Is Actually the GOAT - image 1

The relationship they later form is surprisingly healthy (yes, we understand the irony). They have some sort of a partnership even. He teaches her whatever she needs to help people, and she is making him “human.”

Their contrasts, revealed through respectful debate and expanding perspectives, raise what was already a healthy match into the realm of soulmates.

But then the tragedy begins... The Wallachian Church burns Lisa alive on trumped-up charges of witchcraft. Lisa knew this would happen one day, but she had chosen to believe in humanity and even tried to make the most inhuman creature believe in it.

Well, does anyone actually have to guess what happens next? Yes, Dracula weeps tears of blood and actually burns down the world in the name of his beloved wife.

But in the end, we still have him as a deeply tortured man. He died next to Lisa, and his non-existent soul died with him. And the only thing he thought about was how he couldn't become the better man that Lisa wanted him to be.

Edward and Bella could never…