
Barbie Had DC Fans Angry by Throwing a Jab on Zack Snyder & His Justice League

Barbie Had DC Fans Angry by Throwing a Jab on Zack Snyder & His Justice League
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Is Barbie the bully here?

The world of cinema is buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming Barbie movie, a film that promises to be a summer blockbuster. The film, directed by Greta Gerwig and starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, has been making headlines for its unique behind-the-scenes stories.

One such story involves a fun and charitable initiative implemented by Robbie herself. On set, everyone was required to wear something pink once a week. Those who failed to comply were fined, with the collected money going to charity.

However, not all the buzz around the Barbie movie has been positive. A joke in the film referencing the Snyder Cut of Justice League has already stirred up controversy among fans.

The Snyder Cut refers to a remake of the 2017 film Justice League, re-edited by original director Zack Snyder. This version has a dedicated fanbase, some of whom have taken offense to the joke in the Barbie movie

So, what's the deal with the Snyder Cut joke? Why has it caused such a stir among fans? And how will this impact the reception of the Barbie movie?

The joke has been confirmed by Gerwig herself. According to a Reddit user Mwheel689, “A brainwashed Barbie wakes up and says something along the lines of: ‘It felt so weird, I was stuck overanalyzing the Snyder cut of Justice League.”

Some fans of Zack Snyder's work have taken offense, even though the film hasn’t been released yet. Others were surprised that others felt the need to explicitly state that it was just a joke, arguing that this should be understood as such.

Interestingly, some people suggest that Warner Bros forced the inclusion of the joke, prompting the interest in the film.

Despite the controversy, the Barbie movie continues to generate excitement. The film, which represents the idea that women can do anything they want, is set to be a fun-filled adventure with a real-world aspect.

Margot Robbie's portrayal of Barbie is highly anticipated, with many believing that she is the perfect fit for the role.

The Barbie movie is set to be released in theaters on July 21, 2023

Source: Reddit, People