
Barbie Could’ve Been Total Eye Trash If Greta Gerwing Agreed To Use More CGI

Barbie Could’ve Been Total Eye Trash If Greta Gerwing Agreed To Use More CGI
Image credit: Legion-Media

Luckily, we’ll get at least a bit of realism in a dreamy Barbieland.

Making a live-action movie based on the lore of a plastic doll can be tricky on many levels. Not only did Greta Gerwig have to be extremely careful with sensitive issues of diversity and perpetuating negative stereotypes, but also with the visuals used.

Luckily for the audience, the director seems to balance everything just right to create a perfect experience for anyone who walks into a theater to see the story of Barbie.

Not only are there enough Barbies and Kens in the movie for everyone to find one they can relate to, but the movie promises to perfectly separate Barbie's world from reality without going overboard with CGI and making things look weird and creepy.

One of the most iconic moments in the trailer that shocked audiences and made everyone realize just how much attention Greta Gerwig paid to detail was Barbie stepping out of her shoes and still being stuck with the bent foot, just like the real doll.

Barbie Could’ve Been Total Eye Trash If Greta Gerwing Agreed To Use More CGI - image 1

The thing that's been criticized in Barbie for years turns out to be addressed in the best possible way in the movie, but it could have looked a lot worse when Gerwig was first suggested to use CGI for all the feet on screen. And as much as a little bit of graphics would probably replicate a perfect plastic foot instead of a human one, it would look very unsettling.

“There was a big discussion in the beginning. Everyone said, ‘Are you going to CGI all the feet?’ And I thought, ‘Oh god, no! That’s terrifying! That’s a nightmare.’ Also, Margot has the nicest feet. She has these beautiful dancer feet. She should just hang on to that bar and do it just like this,” the director shared on The Project show.

Thanks to Gerwig's precise artistic eye, the perfect shot was born and took over the Internet before the movie even premiered.

If you want to see it on the big screen, don't miss your chance and head to your local theater for the Barbie premiere on July 21.

Source: The Project YouTube