Attack on Titan Finale Is Indeed Disappointing, And IMDb Rating Is The Best Proof

Attack on Titan Finale Is Indeed Disappointing, And IMDb Rating Is The Best Proof
Image credit: Crunchyroll

This is not what fans of the cult anime were expecting to see.


  • Fans have waited ten years for the end of Attack on Titan, but it didn't live up to expectations.
  • The finale did not answer a lot of questions, and scenes that were expected to be epic went by almost unnoticed.
  • Despite the flaws, the main idea of the anime was revealed and ended the way it should have.

Fans have been waiting for this moment for 10 years – the cult anime Attack on Titan has come to an end. The finale was already known in April 2021, when Hajime Isayama published the final chapter of the manga.

However, the final episode was still a highly anticipated premiere. Spoilers for the Attack on Titan finale ahead!

Many Fans Hoped That The Anime Wouldn't Repeat The Manga's Finale

Some people got to know Attack on Titan through the anime first and protected themselves from spoilers while waiting for the finale. Others were hoping for a different ending than the one in the original manga, because as with any big project that attracts the attention of millions, Isayama's ending did not satisfy many fans.

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The latter can be disappointed right away: the ending in the anime is the same as in the manga. But let's be honest, none of those who are at least somewhat familiar with the world of the anime believed in a happy ending. Most fans were particularly interested in the details of the events, how they would unfold, and the answers to the clues given. Did the creators of the anime handle that? Yes and no.

The ending of Attack on Titan was the lowest rated episode of the anime – the episode had an IMDb rating of 7.5 out of 10 when it was released, but has now risen to 8.5, which makes it no longer the lowest rated, but still a pretty disappointing result for the finale of such a cult project.

Fans Have Many Complaints About Plot Holes And Twists

One of the main complaints about the ending of the manga and anime was the abrupt change in Eren's behavior. Not only did he have an easy and quick death, but he also had a somewhat ridiculous display of emotion. Before the Rumbling, Eren was cold and emotionless. A heavy burden of visions weighed on him, and he deliberately distanced himself from his loved ones.

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But in the dreams of Armin and Mikasa he visited before death, Eren was open and even extravagant. This can be explained by the fact that deep inside Eren was still a little boy who had to grow up too quickly, but the fans were still disappointed by the hysteria of a man who saw the past and the future and committed genocide against 80 percent of the population.

It is crucial to remember that the genocide produced no conclusive results. The world went back to what it had been. Did Eren's plan succeed in bringing the Eldians to freedom?

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The absence of answers is the primary disappointment of the fans. What was Ymir's true reason for loving the despot King? What is the source of the Titan's power? Why were there nine Titans in total? And why was it impossible to accomplish everything without committing genocide and to simply take away the giants' power?

But what's even more disappointing is that the final battle turned out to be rather meager. Attack on Titan is known for its epic fights, but the most important one went almost unnoticed. Come on, Eren had the power of three Titans and the support of Ymir, was he really defeated so quickly?

Ideologically, The Anime Ended As It Should Have

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But the story ends exactly as it should. It is a philosophical statement about the nature of man, the cyclical nature of events, and the danger of powerful forces. And the ending does a great job of delivering this message, making you want to think about the questions Isayama raises and answer them for yourself.

Attack on Titan has finally reached the conclusion it should have. Yes, many will still have questions about the events that took place, but that does not negate the fact that this story has done its main job. And it will forever remain in the minds and hearts of fans around the world.

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