At Least One TBBT Character Rivals Sheldon Cooper When It Comes to Intelligence

At Least One TBBT Character Rivals Sheldon Cooper When It Comes to Intelligence
Image credit: CBS

Bear with us right now, Sheldon fans.

To say that Sheldon Cooper, who literally prides himself on his 187 IQ and intellectual achievements, is not the smartest character in The Big Bang Theory, would certainly cause some gasps (maybe even with the flying papers...) in the fandom. However, we're here to say exactly that.

Undoubtedly, Sheldon is extremely smart, and it's not like taking away his smarty-pants crown would in any way cheapen that. But it's only fair to admit that The Big Bang Theory has always had a character that is even more intelligent.

And this character just happens to be Sheldon's wife, Amy.

This is all according to Redditors, not the show's official stance; after all, The Big Bang Theory has never provided us with the actual IQ of Amy Farrah Folwer. However, fans are convinced that IQ isn't everything; while being educated and knowing a lot of things is definitely important, social skills are just as essential.

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Amy shines when it comes to being socially intelligent (at least in the later seasons), and many TBBT fans believe she is more prone to thinking outside the box than Sheldon. Being smart is good, but when it's no use in real life, what is the actual point?

"Amy is more creative, socially aware, and adaptive/willing to concede and redirect herself if she’s wrong or hits a roadblock. She can look at the bigger picture and see differing perspectives in ways Sheldon can’t," said Redditor LuminescentBib.

What we do know is that Amy is definitely believed to be smarter than Leonard; and while the title of the smartest in the room is still the subject of debate in the fandom, it's clear that Sheldon can't be considered the only candidate.

While clearly being better than Sheldon when it comes to social skills, Amy also has a lot to brag about when it comes to actual scientific achievements. Praised by her colleagues and considered as "indispensable" by the university, she also happens to have a PhD in neurobiology.

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Lest we forget she also won a Nobel Prize with Sheldon, even though the field wasn't even her in her area of expertise. Imagine if the girl were to truly shine in her own field?

The Big Bang Theory's DNA may imply that Sheldon is the main character and therefore he is the smartest. But we know the truth, don't we?