
Arguing Who's Right in Civil War, MCU Fans Got One Thing Completely Wrong

Arguing Who's Right in Civil War, MCU Fans Got One Thing Completely Wrong
Image credit: globallookpress

Captain America: Civil War may have been released in 2016, yet its social and ethical message couldn't be more relevant than in recent times.

As pointed out by a Redditor recently discussing the movie's points of view, some of the MCU 's principles are rooted much deeper than many fans initially realise.

To recap the film's general plot, global pressure faced by the Avengers creates a rift within the group of heroes.

The team is then divided by the decision to be regulated by governments, a perspective Tony is in favor of, or remain independent, which is Steve Rogers' choice.

The remaining Avengers must then choose sides, leading to some heated altercations.

Fans have often debated whose side was right, especially considering later events in the films. Yet one fan has pointed out that although Tony's argument was much more rational, it ignored a vital aspect of the series' principles.

The justification for a body needed to regulate the Avengers pivots on the idea of a just and functioning government.

However, they are often depicted as corrupt, greedy, or immoral throughout the MCU and even by Tony Stark himself.

Take the formation of the Avengers for instance. Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D were both born from the necessity to keep the world safe from individuals of power and governments who would seek to harm others.

Nick Fury would later be inspired by Carol Danvers to create 'The Avengers Initiative'. In response to witnessing alien species, the Skrulls, infiltrate top government positions with ease.

Ironically, both S.H.I.E.L.D and the World Security Council would later be disbanded after they were infiltrated by HYDRA. If there is ever doubt within the MCU that the authorities cannot be trusted, you do not have to look very far to see examples.

What's more, even at times throughout the MCU, governments working under their own directive often make morally questionable decisions. Occasionally getting in the way of the Avengers, who actually have the people's best interests at heart.

It's surprising that Tony is so dedicated to signing over the Avengers to outside control, when he has shown a disdain for authority on numerous occasions.

After revealing himself as Iron Man, he refused to hand over any of his suits to the U.S. government.

During The Avengers, Nick Fury also ignores a direct order from the World Security Council when they decide to deploy nuclear missiles as a last resort.

Ironically the Avengers would not exist at all if it wasn't for the corruption and insecurities that existed without them. However, they have been their own worst enemies at times as well.

Making many of their own mistakes along the way. It's pretty hard to forget Ultron after all.

Perhaps both sides of the argument are true. The Avengers can never be overseen by any institution because of the possibilities of corruption and mistakes.

Yet, they are constantly at risk of falling to these very same faults themselves.