Are Ice Dragons Canon in the Game of Thrones Universe?

Are Ice Dragons Canon in the Game of Thrones Universe?
Image credit: Legion-Media

What can be cooler than fire-breathing winged beasts? Well... how about ice-breathing winged beasts?

In the Game of Thrones universe, Valyrian dragons are not even the only dragons that can be found in the world... at least according to fan speculations and some separate George R.R. Martin's books.

Unlike their Valyrian counterparts, ice dragons are predictably made of living ice and their breath is freezing cold, not fiery. Their eyes are said to be pale blue – most likely something close to the appearance of Viserion who died and was then resurrected by the White Walkers in Game of Thrones.

Ice dragons are also much larger than the Valyrian fire-breathers. They are said to live in the Shivering Sea, which is north of Essos, and the White Waste.

However, are ice dragons actually canon in the Game of Thrones universe? This is where fans do not seem to have found common ground. Ice dragons are mentioned in the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, but only as mythological creatures not actually seen by anyone. They also don't take part in the events described in the books, albeit Jon Snow recalled stories that Old Nan told him about the mysterious creatures.

But the mere fact of them being mentioned in the books, fans argue, don't make them canon, as ice dragons can still be just a product of someone's imagination. Still, their existence is definitely not ruled out, and some fans even theorize about them.

"I have a theory that they are left over white dragons from the original Long Night that took place in Essos 8000 years ago, the one Azor Ahai stopped. Perhaps their night king made several white dragons but they returned North after he was slain, why they'd still be alive idk." – GarmanarnarC137

Ice dragons are surrounded by mystery, and people have many questions about them. For instance, would they melt when killed? Why didn't they already bring the seven kingdoms to the knees? And how come white walkers never laid their hands on them?

Many people lowkey hope that House of the Dragon — or any other Game of Thrones spinoff — could possibly introduce ice dragons into the lore and maybe answer some of the questions. Should it happen, it might become one of the greatest challenge for the VFX artists — but also potentially one of the greatest visual attractions in the Game of Thrones universe.