
Anne Hathaway's Biggest Issue With Kissing On-Screen Partners: 'They Have Dodgy Instincts'

Anne Hathaway's Biggest Issue With Kissing On-Screen Partners: 'They Have Dodgy Instincts'
Image credit: Legion-Media

By now, you've probably seen one too many films with Anne Hathaway, and in many of them, she had a romantic partner. It may seem mundane to you, but for Anne herself, on-camera kisses have always been a big problem.

Hathaway's story of kissing on-screen partners went wrong from the very start.

Her first-ever role was in the FOX TV series Get Real, and she was totally excited about it… Right until the young actress was told she'd have to kiss her co-star on camera.

Upon learning it, Anne was shocked and shaken. She later admitted she was so scared of the upcoming kissing scene that she "was shaking for like two weeks beforehand."

But in the end, it all went well, and the series was greenlighted.

Many years have passed, and Anne Hathaway has made herself quite a name in the filming industry, but her troubles with kissing on camera didn't go away; they simply changed shape.

Even though the actress now jokingly calls herself a "film kissing alum," she still finds it hard to do these scenes — but for a different reason.

Having kissed many other actors throughout her career, Anne is more than entitled to make a generalization about most of her colleagues.

And that she does: according to Hathaway, even the nicest of them still make her really tense during the kissing scenes because they try too hard and often overstep the boundaries of civility.

"They can be lovely guys, but they have kind of dodgy instincts when it comes to kissing in scenes. They want to try to make it look a bit too real if you know what I mean," shared Hathaway.

But there's at least one exception to this rule that we're certain of: James McAvoy. For Anne, he turned out to be the best on-screen kissing partner as he had the same idea of what was proper as her.

Hathaway appreciated his approach to kissing scenes when they played romantic partners in Becoming Jane.

Before starting the scene, McAvoy turned to her and said: "Closed mouths, no tongue!".

Hathaway herself had adopted an identical phrase to prevent her co-stars from going too far, and she was delighted to hear her partner say it first.

When you'll be rewatching Becoming Jane, you can rest assured that everything you see on the screen was comfortable for both actors.

But when it comes to other movies that feature Anne Hathaway…

There's going to be a little disturbing thought in the back of your head now each time someone kisses her, isn't it?

Source: Black Film