
Anne Hathaway's Attempts at Method Acting Upset Her Interstellar Co-Stars

Anne Hathaway's Attempts at Method Acting Upset Her Interstellar Co-Stars
Image credit: Legion-Media

Method acting allows an actor to 'become' their character — both on-screen and behind the scenes. But what if that character is barely tolerable?..

Method acting is a difficult-to-perform technique that rewards performers with outstanding results: the best acting you've seen was most likely method.

But it also has its fair share of negative side effects: some actors find themselves depressed, changed, or unable to communicate normally with others.

For Anne Hathaway, her role in Interstellar was dramatically different from anything she'd been doing for years prior to it.

While she was excited to try on a new character type and see how she fares, Anne was also somewhat afraid that her usual technique wouldn't be enough — and she decided to go for method acting.

The actress claims that trying on a scientist character and "calibrating" her was fun as it was new for her: this was her first time playing someone not consumed by emotions but deprived of them for the most part.

As fun as it was, though, combined with method acting, it also brought negative side effects.

Since her character was pretty emotionless, arrogant, and socially uncomfortable, this is what Anne herself became on set.

While Hathaway is largely known to be a very pleasant person to work with, she was rude, blunt, and generally unreceptive which made interacting with her rather… interesting for her colleagues.

Anne realized it, too, but she couldn't just give up the method or it would've completely defeated the point of trying it in the first place. The actress kept going but was fully aware of how unpleasant it was for the others.

"I was not my most fun — this is a character who has a deep social awkwardness. I felt bad for anyone who had to talk to me between takes," Hathaway admitted.

She also noted that it wasn't all that terrible for the entire duration of the shooting: later in the movie, her character changes and gradually becomes more humane — which means, dealing with the actress herself also became easier.

"During this journey, [her] ego is knocked flat on its behind. By the end, she's reborn a humbler person," explains Anne.

While Anne Hathaway's method acting adventure definitely turned into something of a trial for everyone else working with her, it also allowed her to create an incredibly deep and impactful character.

Luckily for the actress, this didn't send her to a dark place (which happened to one too many method actors) as her character was not like that.

Source: Deadline