And Just Like That Throws Viewers Back In ’00s For All The Wrong Reasons

And Just Like That Throws Viewers Back In ’00s For All The Wrong Reasons
Image credit: HBO Max

Sex and the City handled it better years ago.

No matter how much criticism Sex and the City 's infamous reboot has faced since its inception for being a little too progressive for those used to the late 90s-early 00s approach to television, it turns out that one moment the show's creators could use for good, they are denying that opportunity. Fans are certainly disappointed, but not that surprised.

Last week's episode of And Just Like That explored the heartbreaking pregnancy story of one of the side characters, LTW. Not only was the pregnancy clearly unwanted and brought a lot of inconvenience to LTW's life, but she probably ended up miscarrying.

Although the writers had every opportunity to have the character have an abortion, since the child was so clearly unplanned and unwanted, they chose to make a woman the focus of the story through more suffering. And it's safe to say that viewers didn't appreciate it.

“This week's ep of one show sure did remind me how annoyed I am every time a woman on TV actively HATES the idea of being pregnant but doesn't choose to have an abortion and then "conveniently" miscarries,” Alanna Bennett, a screenwriter as well as And Just Like That viewer shared on Twitter.

It's not just the writers themselves who are noticing a disturbing trend in television's conservative approach to a routine medical procedure.

Since the episode aired, the Internet has been flooded not only with complaints but with unflattering comparisons of the Sex and the City sequel to the original, which had a much more progressive approach to the subject.

In an episode where Miranda finds out she's pregnant, the writers properly explore the option of abortion. By acknowledging that both Carrie and Samantha have had the procedure themselves, the Sex and the City showrunners have done a lot to normalize pro-choice discourse.

If you want to see how things turn out for LTW after suffering such a huge loss, you can tune in to the next episode of And Just Like That on Thursday, August 24th on MAX.