
An Early Hitchcock Thriller Picked by Reddit Is in Fact Better Than Vertigo

An Early Hitchcock Thriller Picked by Reddit Is in Fact Better Than Vertigo
Image credit: Paramount

The master’s unfairly forgotten gem is truly a must-see!

Being recognized as the Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock inscribed his name in movie history with his cultish horrors Psycho (1960) and The Birds (1963) and thrillers Rear Window (1954) and Vertigo (1958). These films were brand new at the time and that is why they changed the whole movie game and brought their own techniques in it.

Disappointingly, few people know that at the beginning of his career Hitchcock made an extraordinary flick that later became unfairly overshadowed by the aforementioned titles. It is now unearthed by Redditors who claim it’s a must-watch for every cinema lover.

The movie’s plot revolves around two young people, who decide to prove their superiority by organizing the best murder in crime history. Thus, they strangle their former friend to death with a piece of rope and hide the body in an antique chest.

The two are so gloating over their success that they throw a dinner party, inviting the victim’s father and fiancée and, besides, their college professor, who they consider the main inspiration for the crime. It will be a long-long night for the murderers.

An Early Hitchcock Thriller Picked by Reddit Is in Fact Better Than Vertigo - image 1

You can see, this synopsis implies exploring such timeless themes, as Nietzsche’s concepts of the boundaries of the permissible and Dostoevsky’s issue of crime and punishment. However, it’s not the most interesting aspect of this thriller.

It appears to be Hitchcock's most experimental film, as it’s remarkable for taking place in real time and in one particular apartment and for being edited as four long shots. It makes the movie even darker, more tense and more uncomfortable to watch, and be sure it’ll be keeping you on the edge of your seat.

Titled Rope, it really deserves to be brought up in the same league as Rear Window and Vertigo, and it’s proved by its score of 93% of critical acclaim on Rotten Tomatoes.

“Great movie and classic Hitchcock. The story told in a tight space with underlying tension the entire time,” says Redditor @GuyfromMemphis about it.

If you enjoy Hitchcock’s suspenseful style and insightful plots, don’t miss 1948’s Rope, as it’s now available for streaming on Prime.