TV Movies

AI Blends Harry Potter and Friends, And We'd Watch That (In a Nightmare)

AI Blends Harry Potter and Friends, And We'd Watch That (In a Nightmare)
Image credit: Legion-Media

"Everyone loves Harry Potter. Everyone loves Friends. Let's mix them together!", thought some genius and tasked an AI to do so. We still can't decide whether we love or hate the result.

The result is a short video that presents us with an alternative Friends intro where Harry Potter characters look like they're starring in the legendary sitcom.

This may sound absurd at first, but the more you watch, the more you find it curious.

What if there was a certain cozy café in Diagon Alley called Forbidden Ferest or something like that where Hogwarts senior-year students and graduates would gather?

What if there was a certain friend group that overtook the best spot right in the middle of it to have quick access to, say, a fireplace with Floo Powder?

They rented out a couple of flats nearby, in the building where Flourish and Blotts is located, and spend most of their time there — when they're not working on their dreams, of course.

Because in Magical London, one of the world's main wizarding capitals, decent work is hard to come by.

Luckily, the friends can concentrate on themselves, their jobs, and their relationships since there are no rogue Dark Lords or anything like that.

Those Matthew Riddle and Bellatrix Green guys are pretty cool, and they love to drop by on weekends. Even the high-school rivals are forgotten, and the professors are there for the holidays, too.

Don't believe us? Take a look yourself — this really is a Harry Potter universe but everyone's Friends with each other…

And the flat above the bookstore looks conspicuously familiar, but that's beside the point.

Frankly, a sitcom set in the Wizarding World doesn't seem like a bad idea at all, and not just because of this AI creation.

It would've been pretty fun to dive into the everyday life of Hogwarts students, like in The Big Bang Theory, graduates and young career-seekers, like in Friends, or even the Ministry employees, like in The Office.

Something to consider amidst the buzz from the upcoming Harry Potter reboot, isn't it?