Aegon Prequel Might Surpass HotD — Or Become The Worst Thing HBO Ever Done

Aegon Prequel Might Surpass HotD — Or Become The Worst Thing HBO Ever Done
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Game of Thrones franchise is one of HBO's best breadwinners to date.

After the overwhelming success of the main series (minus the ending), the showrunner decided to produce a few spin-offs and prequels, starting strong with House of the Dragon. But admittedly, HotD did even a bit too well…

According to the exclusive report from Variety, HBO is now seriously considering making a series about Aegon I Targaryen's conquest of Westeros.

While the project is still in the discussion stage and there's no writer attached to it, it seems that the showrunner is taking this idea very seriously.

Judging from the report, HBO wants to greenlight this prequel series as soon as possible. And even more: apparently, they're also looking at an entire movie out of Aegon the Conqueror's story, which may lead into the series we're talking about.

If either of these projects gets a green light, we'll get to see the legendary events that took place over three centuries prior to Game of Thrones ' main storyline.

It's going to be a real challenge for the writers (whoever they may be) since Aegon I is one of the most important historical figures in the world of GoT and representing him and his deeds how they should be is going to be no simple task.

Ever since the rumors about the possible Conquest of Westeros prequel came out, the fans have been restless: however, this time, there's surprisingly little controversy.

They mostly discuss things like "Why is HBO making everything about the Targaryens?", "Will they manage to not mess Aegon's story up?", and, most importantly, "Who's going to play Aegon the Conqueror?"

Regarding the last question, there's quite a large portion of the audience who wants to see Henry Cavill cast as Aegon I Targaryen.

While the talks about Cavill joining Game of Thrones have been out and about for many years now, his and the show's fans are now excited about getting him the role of the legendary conqueror.

Cavill's been also put forward by the fans to play Lord Cregan Stark in season 2 of House of the Dragon, and now he's wanted as Aegon I.

The thing is, we still don't know what the actor himself thinks of these suggestions — he's usually very open about his preferences, and so far, he hasn't mentioned wanting to play in GoT.

Whoever gets picked for the Conqueror's role in the end will be crucial for how the show will be received by the audience; HBO, however, has already proved its ability to pick great actors for the Targaryen roles.

What's more important is if they'll manage to cover the most legendary character's story correctly — while both Game of Thrones and House of the Dragons were huge undertakings, Aegon the Conqueror is a different story, and fans are going to be extra judgemental towards this adaptation when — and if — it comes out.