911 Fans Predict a Dark Plot Twist in Season 6 Finale

911 Fans Predict a Dark Plot Twist in Season 6 Finale
Image credit: Legion-Media

It can't be all sunshine and rainbows.

Just as the 911 fandom was getting comfortable, feeling like nothing would ever shatter any relationship within their favorite group of characters, the writers started slowly hinting at another tragedy.

Of course, every season has to have either a big revelation or a plot twist to keep viewers hooked while they wait for the next one.

And while the most obvious event to take place in the final episode of season 6 would be Maddie and Chimney's wedding, there is still room for another storyline.

The biggest hint of an impending tragedy that the audience can recall so far is Eddie's confident "we have time" line.

If you have ever watched a television drama, you know exactly how those words should be taken: there is no time. And while there are many ways to interpret it, fans tend to agree on the character being sacrificed.

At first, there was nothing but endless worry for the main characters, including Eddie himself.

While it would require some major changes and adjustments to the show, it wouldn't be the first time a character foreshadowed their own death.

Everyone else the fanbase cares about was also under suspicion, from Maddie to little Christopher.

Luckily, all of the main cast members are rumored to be under contract for season 7, so that thought comforts those viewers who think something bad is going to happen.

The character that seems like the most logical choice would be Eddie's abuela.

Viewers already know her well enough to feel a lot of sympathy for her character, and it would also fit the narrative of something happening specifically to Eddie's family.

911 Fans Predict a Dark Plot Twist in Season 6 Finale - image 1

As if he didn't have enough on his plate, the writers seem determined to give Diaz even more to deal with.

As sad as it may be, this tragic death would make perfect sense and would be a perfect ending to a season that has been so focused on life and death.

It could also plant some seeds and provide a dramatic foundation for the show to build upon in season 7.

If you want to see the big finale twist for yourself, tune in to FOX every Monday to not miss another 911 episode.