
8 Iconic Horror Movie Scenes That Never Happened in the First Place

8 Iconic Horror Movie Scenes That Never Happened in the First Place
Image credit: Legion-Media

Of course, you remember these legendary moments from your favorite horror films: your mind tricked you, plain and simple.

8. Jigsaw’s Bone-Chilling Question in Saw (2004)

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Jigsaw himself is the most terrifying aspect of his titular movie, so no wonder many people still remember his iconic question, “Do you want to play a game?” Except that Jigsaw never inquired about his victims’ desires: he didn’t feel the need to. The actual phrase this horror villain said was, “I want to play a game.” Less sinister, right?

7. Freddy Krueger’s Dirty Language in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Good ol’ Freddy Krueger really messed with poor Nancy’s psyche.Tormenting her in her dreams over and over again, the cheeky bastard didn’t even show an ounce of respect to her, especially when he told her, “I’m your boyfriend now, b*tch.” That’s how most fans remember it — but in the movies Freddy never insulted her like that.

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6. Hannibal Lecter’s Greeting in The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

We all felt something was very off with Dr. Lecter the moment Clarice entered the hospital and he welcomed her with that creepy “Hello, Clarice” line, right? Here’s the thing: that’s not what happened. In The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal greeted her with a simple “Good Morning”; however, he said “Hello, Clarice” in the sequel.

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5. Brody’s Instant Commitment in Jaws (1975)

In Jaws, when Brody encountered the Great White shark for the first time, he was instantly on board with hunting it and said, “We’re going to need a bigger boat.” Right? Wrong. Brody’s commitment was not so instant, and after seeing the terrifying beast, he said, “You’re going to need a bigger boat.” A different implication, see?

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4. Dracula’s Blatant Intentions in Dracula (1931)

Perhaps the most iconic phrase from 1931’s Dracula that everyone still vividly recalls is, “I vant to suck your blood!” said with a very strong Hungarian accent. That’s like the one thing every Dracula cosplayer says at every Halloween — but the funny thing is that the old Dracula never said anything like that or even remotely close.

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3. Shorty’s Astute Observation in Scary Movie (2000)

Among the most memorable quotes from Scary Movie is Shorty’s panicked “I see white people!” line as he’s cowering under the blanket. But in reality, Shorty never mentioned “white people” — he said, “I see dead people.” Some people argued that maybe that line was in the original trailer, but no one has ever found such a version.

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2. Hanson’s Self-Compliment in Scary Movie 2 (2001)

When Dwight is fighting for his life, barely hanging onto something above the street, Hanson offers to pull him up by saying, “Take my strong hand!” The thing is, he offers Dwight his misshapen hand — and while he does explain that his regular hand just isn’t strong enough to pull the man up, what he actually says is, “Take my little hand!”

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1. Tracy’s Head in Se7en (1995)

One of the most shocking scenes in Se7en was when Somerset opened the box and saw the head of Mills’ wife, Tracy. Truly, a gut-wrenching moment… Which didn’t ever happen. Tracy’s head was never shown on-screen, but fans’ spider sensors didn’t let them down too much. Gwyneth Paltrow’s prosthetic was in fact created for this movie; it was just never used.

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