
8 Iconic Book Villains Ruined by Movie Adaptation

8 Iconic Book Villains Ruined by Movie Adaptation
Image credit: Legion-Media

Let's face it, everyone loves a good movie villain. Whether it's a deranged serial killer, a sadistic clown, or an alien from outer space, fans still enjoy following their misbehavior, with a couple of conditions of course - the actor playing the villain must be impeccable and his storyline must be well thought out.

Sometimes, however, even great actors and wonderful scripts can't save the villain from being hated by at least some of the fans. We are referring, of course, to book villains who appear in film adaptations, and the amount of prejudice that die-hard fans of the original works have for them.

First of all, we are in no way suggesting that the villains on this path were bad or undeserving of the original versions. There are a lot of Oscar-winning roles on this list, and for good reason. The actors really did a great job of bringing the book villains to life, and scaring generations of viewers with their menacing performances.

That said, it's only fair to admit that the book versions are still superior to the movie versions, as the writers simply had more time to develop the villains, while the actors were forced to work in a very limited time frame.

If you've never read the original books, but are sure that the movie villains are better than their source material, just read them and you'll have no doubt about the validity of our claim!