
7 Things That Could Make Twilight TV Reboot Suck (And Not in a Good Way)

7 Things That Could Make Twilight TV Reboot Suck (And Not in a Good Way)
Image credit: Legion-Media

The recent news of the upcoming Twilight TV series got the fans excited, but many of them are scared that their favorite saga will get butchered.

Here are the 7 most terrible mistakes that could totally ruin the reboot: if the show avoids them, we're in the clear!

Setting changes

Twilight fans love the rustic woodsy feel of the original movies, and it plays a big part in the general perception of the setting.

Seeing that modernizing everything is sort of a trend in the past years, it's crucial to avoid this mistake in the reboot: no one needs the action taken to a big city or the year changed to 2020 instead of 2000-ish.

No social media, no modern fashion, no skyscrapers, no new tech.

Just leave the setting intact — and keep the blue lens effect: everyone knows it boosts the Twilightness of any picture tenfold!


Twilight fans typically love the original cast: it's impossible to imagine anyone but Kristen and Robert playing the main characters, for example, and Peter Facanilli's Carlisle is iconic.

But everyone can handle seeing a new cast, too — if there are no dumb mistakes, that is.

The cast should be based on books, with maybe a bit of a reinvention. No gender swaps (this would be disastrous) and preferably, no race swaps that would make no sense.

And to compliment it all, please the fans, and pay tribute to the movies, it'd be a great idea to add some original cast cameos or even bring someone back.

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Book ignorance

One of the main issues many fans have with the original movies is how much content has been left out or changed.

The series can not afford to repeat the same mistake: while most people are pretty tame about the movies as there's a time limit when a TV show does the same, it literally has no excuse, and all hell breaks loose.

Following the books as closely as possible would be nice: no cut-out scenes, no missing plotlines, and most definitely no entire sequences left out.

To spice things up a bit, adding content from Midnight Sun would be an amazing idea. Those bits would allow them to deepen the story, and show Edward's POV, which is crucial at times.

Wrong pacing

Movie adaptations often face the same issue: the number of events they need to present does not correspond with the limited screen time.

Apart from cutting out some content (which we already mentioned), it also leads to forcefully speeding up the events and completely breaking the pacing of the story.

But TV series don't necessarily have such an issue, and they can afford to take it slow. This is why it's crucial for the Twilight show to properly address its pacing.

All they have to do is make sure they don't try to fit more than one book into one season. If they get some free screen time, they can use it to deepen the characters.

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Character betrayal

Another pain of many modern reboots and adaptations is trying to please everyone instead of staying true to the original.

It often leads to shows and movies completely losing what's making them unique and loved by millions of fans. Changing characters' core traits is among the main ways of ruining the entire story.

Sure, Edward is obsessive, even abusive as a boyfriend at times, but it doesn't mean he should be changed into a soft boy for the series.

Bella is only becoming more aggressive and confident after the transformation, and there's no need to make her into a dominant girl boss or a Mary Sue from day one.

Keep the characters true.

Protagonist focus

This may seem like a weird thing to say, but hear us out. The main characters will retain their central roles as they always do, and there's no issue with that.

However, the original movies were too focused on Bella and Edward and missed the opportunity to show more of other beloved characters — for instance, the Cullens.

The fans adore the Cullen family, and the cast in the movies was just amazing. They didn't get too many lines, though, and this has been bugging the Twilight community since the first movie.

Carlisle, Alice, and Jasper are absolute fan favorites; they need more time to shine — especially if they'll be as great in the show as in the movies.

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Invisible werewolves

Considering just how important the tribe was in the books, it got surprisingly little love in the movies.

The Quileute should totally have both more screen time and more effect on the story, and their relationships and involvement in whatever's going on must not be put under the rug as it happened in the movies for the most part.

Bella has to spend some more time with them and get to see them as an actual well-rounded family, much like the Cullens — this will make her choice between the two worlds harder and more intense.

The tribe's story has to be more important, too; and, of course, the werewolves in the show must be played by Native Americans, which the movies nailed perfectly.