
7 Lackluster Endings That Ultimately Buried Great Movies

7 Lackluster Endings That Ultimately Buried Great Movies
Image credit: Warner Bros./Universal Pictures

Even iconic movies can be weakened by unsatisfying endings that make no sense at all.

A well-crafted movie can captivate audiences with its storytelling, but it can also ruin everything in its final minutes. Here are the top 7 disappointing movie endings that left viewers with a sour taste in their mouths.

7. Us (2019)

While the majority of Jordan Peele's sophomore film is effective and even frightening, the plot stays disturbing and unclear. However, the finale remains its worst part, as the unnecessary exposition of the ending explains the origin of the Tethered as a failed experiment, diminishing the brilliance of the movie that has been built up throughout its nearly three-hour runtime.

6. The Wolverine (2013)

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The Wolverine remains one of the most controversial movies in the X-Men franchise up to this day. While for the most part it is well-made, the climax introduces a confusing element when the antagonist Ichirō Yashida is seen wearing the robotic Silver Samurai suit.

This comic book-style twist clashes with the otherwise sober and serious tone of the movie, leaving viewers split on the overall impact of the film.

5. Glass (2019)

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As a sequel to both Unbreakable and Split, the film is directed by the brilliant M. Night Shyamalan, just like its predecessors. Bringing together the same beloved characters from both films, exploring their superhuman abilities and psychological struggles, and pitting them against each other was a long-awaited and satisfying plot.

However, everything goes downhill when the same characters get absolutely horrible and completely useless endings.

4. Titanic ( 1997)

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Even such a legendary masterpiece as Titanic can suffer from a disappointing ending. Aside from the infamous door scene, the most frustrating moment occurs when the present-day Rose throws the Heart of the Ocean necklace into the ocean.

No offense to Rose, but it was a very strange thing to do in light of how many years she kept that necklace to herself. The scene should have just been cut so as not to ruin our sympathy for this woman.

3. Prometheus (2012)

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Ridley Scott 's return to the Alien franchise had several strong points, especially when it came to exploring unexpected themes for a creature feature. However, the film's ending, which was changed during rewrites, resulted in a convoluted and unsatisfying finale that left audiences frustrated and influenced its sequel, Alien: Covenant, in the wrong way.

2. Lucy (2014)

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Luc Besson's sci-fi film starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman had a strong plot and stunning sequences until the ending took a strange turn. The movie finale, in which Lucy literally turns into a USB flash drive and leaves all of her knowledge behind, feels out of place with the rest of the movie.

1. I Am Legend (2007)

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The post-apocalyptic movie starring Will Smith and based on the 1954 novel of the same name by Richard Matheson effectively built up the suspense but left the audience disappointed at the very end. By sticking with the wrong ending and releasing the alternate one as an add-on, the film's conclusion fell short of the original novel's impact.