5 Wise Lifetime Lessons The Office Has Taught Us

5 Wise Lifetime Lessons The Office Has Taught Us
Image credit: NBC

There’s wisdom in every episode.

If there's one thing The Office is great for, besides relaxing after a long day of hard work, it's finding inspiration and answers to life's bigger questions. With each character being so different and distinct, you get as many points of view as you need to make the right decision.

If you don't believe that, just take a quick look at the words of wisdom below and appreciate the pure talent for hiding the truth behind brilliant humor.

Don't Ever, For Any Reason, Do Anything To Anyone For Any Reason Ever

If you remember the basics of Michael Scott’s philosophy, you will understand what that phrase means. And if you don’t, do not rush to worry, as that is the main point. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own philosophy that we lose the trail of thought and the basic meaning of things.

Not Everything Is a Lesson, Sometimes You Just Fail

If there is one thing you can take from a TV show to real life, this might be the best option. Sometimes life is unfair, sometimes you're just unprepared for certain obstacles and can't turn a situation into a victory. You don't always have to dwell on your failures - just get up and try again, and before you know it, you may be facing a victory.

It’s Always Better To Get a Medium Amount Of Good Pizza Than To Have All You Can Of a Bad One

As with everything in life, quality should come before quantity. The Office has proven this to all of us with the example of Alfredo's Pizza, but the general advice applies to just about everything in life. Bigger doesn't mean better, and sometimes making a choice based on value is all you need.

Never Accept The First Offer

Every person has many options in life, and you have the right to choose the path that suits you best. But before you accept the first attractive offer you see, try to look for more to compare. Maybe Michael was a little too radical in rejecting the offer he didn't even hear, but he was thinking in the right direction, and that's what counts.

You Can Use The Quotes Of Others To Make Them Your Own

Michael Scott has been doing this for years, and no one seems to mind. After all, the meaning behind the words doesn't really change, no matter who says them. Who knows, maybe that is exactly what you can do with The Office to spread the wisdom of this eternal show even further.