
5 Theories That Will Make You Reconsider Everything You Thought You Knew About These Movies

5 Theories That Will Make You Reconsider Everything You Thought You Knew About These Movies
Image credit: Legion-Media

You will never look at these plots the same way again.

From shocking to hilarious, these fan theories will make you rethink some of the film's most important moments.

Here are our top 5 brilliant fan theories that will make you re-watch your favorite movie and notice crucial moments that you've been ignoring before.

1. Lord of the Rings

According to this fun fan theory, Frodo never really did know the name of Orlando Bloom's character. Frodo never says Legolas' name and the final scene of The Return of the King in the hospital bears this out.

As everyone rushes in, Frodo excitedly calls out each person's name, except for Legolas. He just stands there with a weird grin on his face and when Gimli enters, Frodo resumes calling out his friends' names.

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2. Kill Bill

This one is so good, and so Tarantino-esque, that it should be mre than just a theory. In Kill Bill, Bill doesn't actually die at the end. Both Bill and Beatrix knew that the five-point palm exploding heart technique was not real.

Beatrix used it on Bill as a symbolic gesture, an indication that if he would play along and pretend to be dead, she would spare his life and take her daughter with her.

And that's exactly what he did because in the end-credits scene of the movie, you can see all the dead characters' names crossed off, except for Bill's.

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3. Se7en

David Fincher's Se7en is set in a dark urban environment, which many fans have seen as similar to Batman 's Gotham.

According to the theory, after David Mills shoots and kills John Doe, he is taken to a mental hospital, where he goes insane and becomes obsessed with Batman as a former detective.

It is then in the same mental hospital that he meets Harley Quin, who falls in love with him and helps him to escape. And the rest of the story you already know.

4. Willy Wonka

According to this heart-wrenching theory, Willy Wonka is an older version of George Weasley from the Harry Potter books. In the absence of his twin brother Fred, George creates a magical candy factory with Oompa-Loompas as house elves.

The theory also suggests that George's feelings about running the empire without Fred are reflected in the symbolism of things being cut in half in Wonka's office.

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5. Back to the Future

In Back to the Future, there are subtle hints that George McFly finds out that Marty is his son. Marty keeps calling George "dad" and he knows in detail about the carpet accident at the dance — all of which contribute to George's realization.

And maybe it's far-fetched, but the meaningful look George gives Marty at the end of the first movie implies gratitude and love so similar to the one you only show to the family members.

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