5 The Vampire Diaries Plot Holes So Annoying It’s Hard to Rewatch

5 The Vampire Diaries Plot Holes So Annoying It’s Hard to Rewatch
Image credit: The CW

If you have a tendency to overthink, this show is not for you.

There are many great things that can be said about The Vampire Diaries and the story that the cast and crew of the show have been telling for 8 years. However, there is no TV show that hasn't had at least one questionable storyline that was never explored. Unfortunately, in the case of The Vampire Diaries, there were just too many!

Here are 5 moments in The Vampire Diaries that even the biggest fans couldn't explain.

Damon and the Crows

Remember that cool scene where Damon was controlling crows? The one that happened once and then only came back for the series finale? It feels like the writers completely forgot about the powers they gave the Salvatore brothers and decided to bring them back at the end just for fun.

In-House Invitation

At some point in the show, the writers decided that it would be better to change the entire lore of the vampires to better fit the narrative of the story. If before anyone who lived in the house could invite a vampire in, later it was changed to only the owner. This change only added to the confusion of the audience.

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Cure Measurements

In order for Sylas to be cured, he had to drink every last drop of Katherine's blood. However, when it made more sense for the story, Bonnie was able to work her magic and cure Stefan with just one syringe of Elena's blood. While anything is possible with Bonnie, this particular moment just doesn't make sense.


Speaking of spells, wasn't it odd that when Katherine, who compelled entire towns, was cured, there was no mention of anyone remembering anything, but when it was Stefan's turn, everyone did? Many fans wish the compulsion wasn't tied to the cure at all if the writers couldn't keep the story straight.

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Elena's necklace

There's no way in the world that Elijah wouldn't recognize his mother's necklace after staring at Elena for so long. If he's so attentive to detail, he should have recognized it right away, since Rebekah wore it for the past 900 years. The only explanation is that her brothers really didn't care about her at all.