
5 Reasons Why Imprisoning Dumbledore Was The Most Ridiculous Idea in Harry Potter

5 Reasons Why Imprisoning Dumbledore Was The Most Ridiculous Idea in Harry Potter
Image credit: Legion-Media

As the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge was mostly either useless or straight-up harmful; however, sometimes, he was acting hilariously — without even realizing it.

Remember that one time when he decided to arrest and send to Azkaban none other than Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore?

That act definitely seemed like a joke, but Fudge was very serious, which only amused the Headmaster more. This entire situation looked funny to Dumbledore, and he had good reasons for it.

Other than the fact that two bureaucrats and two Aurors were ultimately not enough to even inconvenience the greatest wizard of the century, there was also no point in sending him to Azkaban even if a couple of dozen Aurors would've managed to take him down.

Why is that?

Because Dumbledore would've only stayed there for as long as he wished, and something tells us he would've graciously escaped in the first 24 hours.

But they take wands from the prisoners — so why are we so sure about it?

Let's see.

Wandless magic

Wands only channel inner magic abilities, and it's known that both children and some powerful wizards can perform without them. Dumbledore was considered the best wandless magic wielder, so yeah…

He could've even brute-forced his way out, but he would've rather just calmly walk out after evaporating his cell's iron bars.

Phoenix flight

Fawkes, Dumbledore's best phoenix friend, was a highly intelligent fiery beast that could heal wounds, carry a few people on him while flying, and rescue the ones in need.

If Dumbledore would've been captured and Fawkes wasn't, he would've definitely come for his human buddy, and we all know that Fawkes meant business.

House-elf's help

House elves' apparition works differently than wizards' — Dobby could freely teleport to protected places no wizard could enter this way.

That very same Dobby or any other brave house elf from Hogwarts would've gotten Dumbledore out in no time. And the Hogwarts elves adored the Headmaster who was always kind to them.

Order of Phoenix

Albus Dumbledore had an entire small army of loyal and highly trained wizards.

Even if we disregard the fact that the Order included a few Aurors who could've easily accessed Azkaban, the others wouldn't have left their leader behind.

No number of dementors or guards could've possibly stopped Moody and Black, that's for sure.

Dementor cooperation

During a discussion on Reddit, some fans suggested a few more fun ways for the Headmaster to escape Azkaban, namely: becoming a trusted father figure for one of the dementors; seducing one of them (a different one, hopefully!); or simply letting the dementors know who he was so they would let him walk out with no resistance.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore wouldn't have remained in his cell for long, and he had plenty of ways to get out of Azkaban.

Fans keep coming up with new ideas, but all seem to agree on one thing: no matter how the Headmaster would've decided to escape from the prison, he would've totally done it in style.