
5 Movies You Either Have to Watch Twice to Get Or Not Watch At All

5 Movies You Either Have to Watch Twice to Get Or Not Watch At All
Image credit: Legion-Media

Like carefully constructed puzzles, these five manage to provide a drastically different experience if you already know where to look.

Most well-written movies allow you to easily grasp the entire story on the first viewing and leave the theater completely satisfied with all (or at least most) of the answers.

Others, however, are more like puzzles, with subtle clues scattered throughout the movie that foreshadow the events to come.

So let's take a look at five films that you absolutely must see at least twice to get the full experience of the story.

Memento (2000)

With only the second film of his career, Christopher Nolan has already made it clear that he is not afraid to create incredibly complex films that may confuse the majority of viewers.

Arguably the most unique aspect of this psychological thriller starring Guy Pearce was its non-linear storytelling, with some scenes moving forward in time and others moving backward, instantly making you want to watch it a second time to get the full picture.

Fight Club (1999)

Directed by David Fincher and based on the novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club may seem a bit chaotic and even rushed the first time you see it, with some scenes happening for no apparent reason.

However, when you finally learn the truth behind the relationship between The Narrator and Tyler Durden, the story will make much more sense the second time around.

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The Sixth Sense (1999)

To this day, The Sixth Sense remains arguably the best film of M. Night Shyamalan 's entire filmmaking career, thanks in large part to its iconic, ingenious plot twist.

If you have miraculously managed to avoid spoilers after all these years, we highly recommend watching it right now, but even if you know the twist, it is still fascinating to see all the subtle clues that point to it.

Shutter Island (2010)

The first time you see this psychological thriller from Martin Scorsese, you can understand the story perfectly and call it a day.

But if you decide to give Shutter Island a second viewing, you'll be blown away by how different the story feels now, and you'll notice all the little details you missed the first time around.

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The Prestige (2006)

Another Christopher Nolan movie on our list, The Prestige is much more straightforward than Memento, with the final twist serving as the cherry on top of a brilliant story.

But if you already know where to look, the second viewing will feel very different, as you realize that the clues to the shocking reveal have been hiding in plain sight.