
5 Movie Trailers That Completely Ruined The Experience By Spoiling Everything

5 Movie Trailers That Completely Ruined The Experience By Spoiling Everything
Image credit: Legion-Media

It's hard to keep the balance between showing just enough and not too much, but these five trailers clearly didn't care about keeping it at all.

These days, some viewers prefer to avoid movie trailers altogether, and with good reason, as you can never be sure how much they might spoil upcoming movies.

And while most of the time people in charge of marketing campaigns tend to avoid it, sometimes a poorly edited trailer gives away almost the whole movie or some extremely crucial moments. So here are 5 trailers that completely spoiled their respective movies.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)

While we all knew that Anakin Skywalker would inevitably turn into Darth Vader, no one expected the trailer to give away so much. Not only did it basically show how exactly Anakin fell to the Dark Side, but it also featured the clone purge of the Jedi and spoiled the climactic final battle on the molten planet of Mustafar, clarifying how Vader got his severe injuries.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

Showing the destruction of the Kingsman Secret Service was bad enough, but when Colin Firth 's supposedly dead Harry Hart appeared in the final seconds of the trailer, it completely undermined the sudden reveal.

Terminator Salvation (2009)

Figuring out how exactly Marcus Wright got from 2003 to post-apocalyptic 2018 could have been a great mystery, if only it hadn't been spoiled by the trailer. Some genius decided that revealing that he is actually a machine (or at least partially) himself left viewers without a great and rather fresh twist.

Terminator Genisys (2015)

Not only did the creators not learn from the mistakes of the previous movie, they somehow managed to make things even worse. The trailer showed everything from Sarah Connor knowing about Judgment Day and the friendly T-800 to the new T-1000 and the twist that John Connor was turned into an evil machine himself.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Everyone knew that two of DC's most famous superheroes were going to face off, it was in the title after all. What they didn't know was that not only would Wonder Woman be in the movie, but that they would be teaming up against Doomsday, created by Lex Luthor from the remains of General Zod.

Have you ever had a movie experience ruined by a poorly edited trailer?