5 Major TV Good Guys Who Turned Out to Be Lying Bastards, Ranked

5 Major TV Good Guys Who Turned Out to Be Lying Bastards, Ranked
Image credit: CBS

Some characters are so great that they make you question your standards IRL, and others disappoint you so badly that it takes you years to recover.

Here are five male characters who we were supposed to love dearly, but whose betrayals ripped our hearts out.

5. Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon

We know how much Sheldon would hate to be ranked fifth, and this is our only reason for doing that. Despite being a genius, that guy is the most selfish and arrogant character on both shows (this has got to be a record!).

He used to be cute irritating, and we all hoped he'd grow out of this phase, but after 18 seasons of character development, he is still insufferable.

Plus, he lied big time about his family on TBBT! Don't even get us started on how he treated Amy…

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4. Eric Forman from That '70s Show

Ironically, despite being the lead, Eric was the most annoying character in the friend group, and we were all happy when the actor left the show early.

Eric's commitment issues led him to basically cheat on Donna, dump her out of nowhere, and abandon her at the wedding rehearsal. Donna had her issues, but she definitely didn't deserve such a horrible boyfriend and later husband.

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3. Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother

This guy has been a walking red flag ever since he told Robin he loved her in the pilot episode. Ted is the main character, but no one really rooted for him.

His clinginess and obsession with finding his soul mate have made him unlikable (to say the least) and kind of a creep.

Oh, and he cheated on the only girl who was good for him, and then almost ruined the wedding of his two best friends.

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2. Ross Geller from Friends

News flash, but they weren't on a break. Even if they were, Ross would still be a dirtbag who cheated on the girl he apparently loved since high school and didn't even admit that he was in the wrong.

It's 2023, we're not into fixing men anymore, so Ross is not it when it comes to the ultimate good guy. We still can't get over the fact that he ended up getting the girl he didn't deserve. Rachel should know better!

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1. Will Schuester from Glee

Honestly, we don't know how we didn't see him for the horrible person he is before. Will is supposed to be a great teacher and the soul of the Glee Club. In reality, he was the worst from the very beginning when he blackmailed Finn into joining New Directions.

That's not even his lowest moment. Remember when he suspended Marley because she didn't want to wear a bikini for a performance? Yes, that happened, and it was gross.

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Sorry, not sorry, but these characters are far from being the good guys that the writers had us believe. Any additions to the list?