
5 Horror Movies Completely Derailed by Their Ridiculous Monster Reveals

5 Horror Movies Completely Derailed by Their Ridiculous Monster Reveals
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Sometimes it is better to leave the nightmarish creature at the center of the story unexplained, as the reveal can completely ruin the entire movie.

Hiding the nightmarish creature at the center of the story can greatly increase the suspense in a horror movie if handled correctly, just look at the original 1979 Alien movie, and finally revealing it in the right way and at the right time can elevate the movie even higher.

However, a poorly handled monster reveal for one reason or another can, if not ruin the entire movie, at least make it far less enjoyable, so let's take a look at five such cases.

It Chapter Two (2019)

Unlike its 2017 predecessor, which was hailed as an incredibly tense and unnerving horror movie, the sequel was much more underwhelming for a multitude of reasons.

One of them was that instead of once again relying on the great talent of Bill Skarsgård, who delivered an outstanding performance as Pennywise the Dancing Clown that has haunted audiences' nightmares long after the viewing, the filmmakers decided to rely more heavily on CGI effects.

It all culminated with the reveal of the clown's true form, as he is actually a horrific alien creature, and to say that it was disappointing would be an understatement.

The true form of the creature, which was more like a spider, wasn't even remotely scary and looked like countless other CGI-created monsters we've seen over the years.

To be fair, it wasn't entirely the movie's fault, as the twist was taken directly from the original Stephen King novel, but that doesn't make the reveal any better.

The Langoliers (1995)

Another Stephen King adaptation on our list, The Langoliers isn't exactly a feature film, but rather a two-part miniseries, which is still pretty close.

While it wasn't the most amazing story you've ever seen, it was still somewhat entertaining thanks to the mystery of why everyone in the world except the passengers on the plane seemed to have disappeared.

That was until the titular monsters, the Langoliers, who literally devoured space and time, were revealed to be not nightmarish creatures beyond human comprehension, but flying meatballs with teeth, eliciting nothing but confused laughter from the audience.

Signs (2002)

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, this movie is often praised as one of his best works, but its climax is, if not embarrassingly bad, then undeniably the weakest part of the entire movie.

The highly advanced aliens who came to Earth from the depths of space turned out to have three crucial weaknesses: wooden planks, blunt objects, and... water.

Not only could they not get through wooden barricades and were beaten by a baseball bat, but they also decided to conquer the planet, which is 71% covered by water (which acts like an acid against them) and has frequent rain and snowfalls.

The Village (2004)

Shyamalan makes our list again, and although The Village is not as highly praised as Signs, it was still a pretty decent movie until the final twist.

The revelation that the story was set in modern times instead of the 19th century, along with the fact that the "monsters" were actually people in disguise, which felt straight out of Scooby-Doo, completely derailed what was initially an intriguing story.

Malignant (2021)

This entry is a bit tricky, as some fans abandoned the movie after the bizarre plot twist, while others found it much more original than it initially seemed.

Throughout the story, we were led to believe that something supernatural was going on and that the movie's protagonist, Madison, might be possessed by evil forces.

But the "possession" was explained in a completely jaw-dropping manner, as she was actually being controlled by an evil conjoined twin who had been hiding in the back of her skull all along and was awakened by a physical trauma early in the movie.

While this explanation is undoubtedly creative, it was too weird for many viewers to take the story remotely seriously.