5 Grey's Anatomy Most Heartbreaking Moments Where No One Dies, Ranked

5 Grey's Anatomy Most Heartbreaking Moments Where No One Dies, Ranked
Image credit: Legion-Media

Shonda Rhimes knows more than one way to make the audience weep.

At this point, pretty much everyone and their mother knows that characters die on Grey's Anatomy.

Although it happens on every other show of comparable length, Grey's Anatomy's character deaths have become almost a running joke, and certainly a staple for the Shondaland team. But it's not the only element of the drama that never fails to keep viewers hooked.

Between the various romantic storylines and the show's general medical theme, there is no shortage of heartbreaking scenes that haunt viewers long after the show ends.

Here are 5 Grey's Anatomy moments where no one died, but it felt just as bad as when someone did, as recalled by fans of the show.

5. Richard hallucinating at his award speech (S16E19)

This scene really makes you feel for Richard, who wanted nothing more than to see Catherine near him with a simple apology.

To this day, most viewers leave this moment with tears in their eyes every time they see it again.

4. Bailey being there for Amelia's labor after her own miscarriage (S16E21)

Despite the fact that Bailey is not exactly a fan-favorite character, the majority of fans find this episode of the bond between two women incredibly powerful, but also incredibly sad.

You can see the pain in Bailey's eyes as she leaves her new parents with their baby, and that pain makes this moment completely unforgettable.

3. Izzie hallucinating of Denny (S5)

While some fans may find this disturbing, Izzie's hallucinations of her deceased lover are truly heartbreaking in more ways than one.

These moments hit even harder when you realize that it was not just grief, but the tumor she had no idea she had.

2. Meredith having a panic attack (S12E09)

Every little detail of this story added up and made it extremely difficult to watch.

Knowing that the patient had no intention of hurting Meredith in the first place, and seeing how her own children were terrified to see their mother like this, adds layers to an otherwise simple mishap and makes it unbearable to watch.

1. Meredith throwing away her pregnancy test after the shooting (S6E24)

As if the two-parter focusing on the armed intruder who opens fire in the hospital wasn't traumatizing enough with multiple deaths and scares, this personal moment of Meredith's loss made the season 6 finale even worse than before.

Source: Reddit