5 Best Crowley and Dean Bromance Scenes in Supernatural

5 Best Crowley and Dean Bromance Scenes in Supernatural
Image credit: The CW

Sorry, Cas, but Crowley stole our hearts.

If there is one thing that Supernatural was undoubtedly good at, it’s making its audience fall in love with bromances with supporting characters. Of them all, Crowley was one of the best, bringing just enough mischievous demonic energy to the table to always keep us on our toes, but also enough decency to make us respect him.

And we were not the only ones! Throughout the show, the older Winchester brother has formed his own bond with the demon that we all adore. So, to honor it, here are our favorite 5 Dean and Crowley moments to rewatch and instantly fix your mood.

Let’s Build a Perfect Hell Together (S10E01)

Have you ever heard of a more tempting proposal from a demon? Well, Dean was lucky enough to receive one. Of course, there was nothing but malice behind Crowley's motives, but the passion with which he spoke to Dean about it is impressive...and kind of makes you want to have someone that invested in you on your side.

Dr. Phil To The King Of Hell (S10E17)

If there's one thing Dean and Crowley are both good at, it's calling each other's bluff. Dean easily notices how soft Crowley has become, and Crowley calls him a liar for refusing to do anything about Mark. Demonic or not, they share a lot more beneath the surface than either of them wants to admit.

Crowley Drunk Dialing Dean (S09E16)

If you are of age and find yourself hitting the bar and getting wasted alone, you must know how lonely that feels. No wonder Crowley needed to call or text someone for reassurance. The fact that he’s chosen Dean to do so just goes to show how much of his mind Dean occupies. Bonus points for Sam’s priceless reaction!

Dean, Crowley, and Triplets (S10E01)

To not have to explain ourselves any longer, here’s the original Crowley quote:

“We've howled. We've bayed. We've done extraordinary things to triplets, all of which have been massively entertaining. I will treasure our Flickr albums forever.”

Go figure, what those things were, and how they ended up on Flickr on your own!

The Birth Of Deanmon (S09E23)

There are not many people who aren’t fond of that storyline in general, and this particular Crowley’s monologue over Dean’s body in particular. While it may not be the best circumstances for Dean, Crowley did wake him up and did give him a blade, when it was the easiest path to just kill him.