5 Abandoned TV Plotlines That Will Keep You Awake At Night

5 Abandoned TV Plotlines That Will Keep You Awake At Night
Image credit: HBO

So many questions, but no answers coming anytime soon.

It's hard enough to find peace when the show ends the season with an unanswered mystery, and all the fans have to speculate their way through the hiatus to find out what's going to happen. It's even worse when the show doesn't hint at an answer but abandons the storyline altogether.

Here are 5 TV storylines that deserve to be wrapped up because fans are dying to know what really happened.

Walter Lloyd – Lost

This is a perfect case of how much the show can struggle after a bad decision to write the character off. The reason was as stupid as the way the Lost writers handled it: the actor had a growth spurt and didn't fit his character anymore. If only they were on a magical island that could easily explain everything!

The Pandemic Plot – Heroes

There were a lot of things that went wrong with Heroes, but what really confused and disappointed fans was the complete abandonment of the Pandemic storyline and the timeline that went with it. And when it finally came back, it was very different.

Post-Oberyn Martell Dorne – Game of Thrones

It's no secret that Oberyn Martell's death was one of the most violent scenes in the entire iconic HBO series, with his opponent gouging his eyes out of his head. What bothered viewers the most, though, was the way the entire storyline of Dorne came to a complete and abrupt end after it happened.

Variant Zombies – The Walking Dead

A lot of people were bothered by the idea of introducing a whole new zombie concept so close to the end of the show. Now that we know it was a smart setup for all the upcoming spinoffs, but until they are out and viewers have their answers, TWD deserves a place on the list.

The GS Ball – Pokemon

Although the mystery has already been solved by the show's creators, many find this ending to the story that captured their childhood imaginations very lazy and unsatisfying. After all, nothing would have changed if Celebi had appeared in both the series and the movie, but instead the storyline was completely ruined.