4 Supernatural Plot Twists That Could Ruin the Show Long Before Its Train Wreck Finale

4 Supernatural Plot Twists That Could Ruin the Show Long Before Its Train Wreck Finale
Image credit: The CW

These scenarios might have had Supernatural fans rioting.

Supernatural has been a rollercoaster ride for its fans, filled with monsters, angels, demons, and the unbreakable bond of two brothers. Over its long run, the show has garnered a dedicated fanbase, but even the most ardent fans have their limits.

We all have our reasons for loving Supernatural, but have you ever wondered what could have made you drop the TV series? This question has been recently brought up on Reddit. Fans have shared plotlines or twists that they believe would completely ruin the series for them (you know, before the actual finale did…).

An Early Goodbye to a Winchester

The idea of permanently killing off either Sam or Dean in the early seasons is unthinkable for many fans. Their relationship is the backbone of the series.

The chemistry between Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles is undeniable. Their on-screen bond carried the show through its weaker moments. Losing one of them early on would have changed the show in unimaginable ways.

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Love Triangle Drama

Imagine Sam and Dean fighting over a girl. Yeah, that would have been a big no-no for many fans. Such a storyline could have overshadowed their relationship and changed the show's dynamic.

Plus, it's a trope that's been overused in many TV shows, and it might have felt out of place in the Supernatural universe. Thankfully, the showrunners never took us down that path.

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Permanent Exit of Castiel

Some fans mentioned that if Castiel had been written out of the show permanently, similar to Crowley's exit, they might have stopped watching future seasons. Castiel's character held a special place in many fans' hearts, and his sudden exit would have been a huge blow.

Again, just like it was in the final episodes of season 15...

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Taking Themselves Too Seriously

One of the charms of Supernatural is how the characters often poke fun at themselves. If they started being all serious and stopped the self-deprecating humor, it might not have been the same show we all fell in love with.

The moments of levity, often provided by the humor, balance out the intense and emotional scenes, making the show more relatable and enjoyable. Removing this unique blend of humor would have made the series just another dark, supernatural drama.

Source: Reddit