
4 Movies That Predicted The Future With Frightening Accuracy

4 Movies That Predicted The Future With Frightening Accuracy
Image credit: globallookpress

The plots of these movies look like the directors looked into the future and got their ideas from there.

The Simpsons are not the only ones who can predict the future.

Although most of these "predictions" turned out to be bogus, there have been cases in cinema where the plot of the movie predicted the future with such accuracy that it seems the director hired a real oracle to write the script.

Armageddon, 1998

The movie, directed by Michael Bay, predicted two major events at once. One is the first ever landing of a robot on a comet in 2014.

The second event that became prophetic is much more tragic. There was a scene where viewers can see the burning Twin Towers.

The taxi driver who tells the characters about the incident admits the version that the fire was caused by a terrorist attack.

When the movie was released on television after the tragedy, the editors were forced to cut the taxi scene completely from the movie so as not to remind people of the disaster that happened in New York.

Michael Bay himself reacted negatively to the decision, saying that history cannot be changed and that art should remain art.

Contagion, 2011

A movie that came out more than 10 years ago and did not get the highest ratings among audiences recently found a second life and for a short time became the most downloaded movie in the world.

The reason for this was Steven Soderbergh's plot, which reminded viewers of the situation with the coronavirus pandemic.

The plot of the movie, like the real story, begins in China, where bats spread a deadly virus. As a result, the disease is transmitted through tactile contact and affects the lungs.

The virus, called MEV-1, spreads beyond China and enters other countries.

Above Suspicion, 1995

The tragic story of actor Christopher Reeve is surprisingly connected to the movie he was starring in shortly before the accident.

In the movie, Reeve was supposed to play a paralyzed police officer, so he began working on the character's image. The actor visited rehabilitation clinics where people with spinal cord injuries were treated.

Unfortunately, the experience he gained helped him not only in the movies. A week after the premiere of the movie, the actor fell off a horse and fractured his spine.

The resulting injury turned out to be incurable, and Christopher was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life, repeating the fate of his character.

The Cable Guy, 1996

Many remember this comedy starring Jim Carrey, and while it may seem like light entertainment, the philosophical overtones are also present in the movie.

Jim Carrey's character predicts that the functionality and importance of electronic devices will soon increase. It will be possible to shop from the comfort of your own home and even play Mortal Kombat online with a friend in another country.

Those words have become prophetic, and the reality is even more impressive than the cable guy imagined.