
3 Harry Potter Headcanons That Will Make Your Day (and 3 That Will Ruin It)

3 Harry Potter Headcanons That Will Make Your Day (and 3 That Will Ruin It)
Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

The Harry Potter fandom has grown far beyond the books and the movies, and some fan theories are actually better than canon.

Here are six headcanons that will make your day – or ruin it.

Ruin Your Day: The Weasley Twins & the Mirror of Erised

Fred and George are far superior to the Golden Trio when it comes to mischief. Imagine if they find the Mirror of Erised during their third year, but just see themselves and think that it is an ordinary mirror.

Cut to the post-war time when George comes across the mirror again and sees his reflection, but healthier and happier, and it is joined by another man, who looks just like him.

3 Harry Potter Headcanons That Will Make Your Day (and 3 That Will Ruin It) - image 1Realizing that he is seeing the grown-up Fred – the version that his brother never got to be – George smiles, and the pain in his eyes subsides for the first time in years.

Make Your Day: Hermione, Ron & the Elf Hats

Hermione has been busy fighting for the house elves’ freedom during her fifth year. One day she asks Harry to help her knit hats for the house elves, but he dismisses her and goes to bed, leaving Hermione devastated.

Despite not caring much about the rights of the house elves, Ron notices that Hermione is upset and decides to stay up all night, helping her knit more hats. This is the moment she realizes that she is falling for Ron hard.

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Ruin Your Day: George & the Hair Dyeing Experiments

Yes, another one about the Weasley twins because we like to see you suffer. The next day after the Battle of Hogwarts, George dyes his hair green without telling anyone.

Molly is furious when she finds out… at first. As soon as she hears George’s reasoning, she is brought to tears. Turns out, George has changed his look because he couldn’t look at himself in the mirror – he kept thinking it was Fred.

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Make Your Day: Dudley & His Magical Child

Wouldn’t it be a fitting ending if Dudley had a kid who was a wizard or a witch? Think of that 19 years later scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where everything is the same, except Dudley and his child are standing next to the Potters on Platform 9 ¾.

That would honestly be perfect – Dudley as a changed man and his son/daughter about to embark on their magical adventure.

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Ruin Your Day: Ariana Dumbledore & Knitting

Dumbledore’s sister Ariana loves knitting. It helps her deal with her magical outbursts and nervous breakdowns. She gets so good at knitting that she starts sending the things she makes to her brothers for their birthdays and Christmases, and this is what Albus associates the holiday season with.

Remember when Dumbledore finds Harry next to the Mirror of Erised and tells him that he sees himself holding a pair of socks for Christmas in the mirror? He isn’t lying – a pair of socks, knitted by Ariana, is what his heart truly desires.

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Make Your Day: J.K. Rowling & Rita Skeeter

Rita Skeeter keeps writing scandalous stories full of lies and is eventually banished from the wizarding community for her crimes. She settles down in the muggle world and retells the story of the Boy Who Lived under the alias of J.K. Rowling.

All is well for years, she becomes rich and famous, but her lies catch up with her once again, and now she is on the verge of being banished from the muggle world as well…

OK, that last one is open to interpretation, but you get the idea.

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