3 Cringiest Moments From Better Call Saul That Feel Out Of Place

3 Cringiest Moments From Better Call Saul That Feel Out Of Place
Image credit: Legion-Media

These scenes prove that even a good show can go bad at times.

Among many viewers, Better Call Saul got even more appreciated than its fantastically well-crafted predecessor — Breaking Bad.

However, fans shared the scenes that made them feel cringe while watching the show. Let's break them down.

Mike yells at his granddaughter

Mike was always portrayed as a character who is not really emotional and who doesn't tend to lose his temper.

However, there is a scene in the season 5 premiere where Mike yells at his granddaughter Kaylee after she asks him too many questions about her dead father.

The intention of the scene was to show that Mike is upset about murdering a German engineer Werner. Moreover, he still blames himself for the death of his son.

However, the way Mike yelled at Kaylee seemed too much for many viewers, and even the actor who played Mike, Jonathan Banks, disagreed on this scene with Peter Gould, one of the creators.

Lalo jumps from the ceiling

In the 10th episode of season 4, Lalo Salamanca tails Mike to find out Werner's whereabouts.

Lalo reaches the TravelWire office, where he tries to question the clerk, Fred, but Fred refuses to give any information. So Lalo pretends to be leaving the office but then suddenly jumps from the ceiling right in front of Fred.

This scene left so many questions: How did Lalo hoist himself up into a ceiling? How did these foam boards withstand the weight of a grown-up man? Why didn't Fred hear Lalo crawling?

Despite Lalo having many cool scenes throughout the show, this one left fans confused, as it is so out of place given the grounded tone of the show.

Yep, yep, yep

As you may recall, black and white scenes in Better Call Saul represent the present time, after the events of Breaking Bad.

In one of these scenes from the last season, we see Kim living the dullest life you can only imagine. In this scene, Kim is having sex with her most ordinary husband, who repeatedly says "Yep" during the intercourse.

Many fans think that this scene is arguably the most ridiculous and cringy on the show. Was the creators' intention to show how Kim is being punished for the sins of her past?

Probably, yep. But the way they conveyed this idea in this scene is just terrible.

However, some fans think this might be a reference to Demetri Martin's standup where he jokingly wonders why nobody says "yep" during sex.