15 Original Anime on Netflix to Binge in January 2024

15 Original Anime on Netflix to Binge in January 2024
Image credit: Netflix

As the calendar flips to January 2024, Netflix's shelves are stocked up with a collection of original anime, a mix that's got the familiar favorites that have been the talk of the town, the brand-new releases that are just begging to be binged, and some hidden gems.

This January, Netflix is like that best friend who always knows just what you're in the mood for, whether it's the comfort of the familiar, the thrill of the new, or the adventure of the undiscovered just around the corner.

There's a comfort in revisiting the classics, those series that have nestled into the cozy corner of fan favorites, shows that we've come back to time and again, like revisiting an old friend who never gets old.

But then, there's the excitement of the new titles, the fresh stories with characters we're meeting for the first time, each episode unfolding like the pages of a new book that you just can't put down.

And let's not forget those under-the-radar series, the ones that might not have made the biggest splash when they first landed but have all the makings of a cult classic, waiting just on the fringe, ready to pull you into their world.