14 Best New Limited Series to Stream in April on Netflix, Hulu & More

14 Best New Limited Series to Stream in April on Netflix, Hulu & More
Image credit: Apple TV+, Showtime

It's hard to find a more complex TV format than a limited series. While normal long-running shows always have room for error, with writers able to correct any mistakes thanks to the abundance of future episodes and seasons, the production crews behind limited series have to do their job perfectly from the start in order to appeal to audiences.

Because of this receptivity to pre-production mistakes, not many limited series manage to linger in the minds of viewers for long, with only a select few becoming cult classics. Fortunately, it looks like more and more miniseries are joining the ranks of true masterpieces in recent years.

Here are 14 new limited series to stream:

We decided to include all quality limited series on the list, regardless of genre, because truly great shows can be enjoyed by all kinds of viewers, despite their different genre preferences.

As you've probably noticed, most of the shows on this list are streaming, proving once again that true originality in television is coming from streaming platforms, not the classic networks, whose producers are far too busy making money off of police procedurals and sitcom comedies to spend any time developing truly inspiring short-form shows.

If binge-watching is your middle name, but you don't have the time or energy to invest in long-form programming, the shows on this list are right up your alley!