
10 TV Shows That Didn't Deserve a Second Season (Yet Got One)

10 TV Shows That Didn't Deserve a Second Season (Yet Got One)
Image credit: Legion-Media, Netflix, CBS Television, NBCUniversal Television Distribution, 20th Century Fox Television

Sometimes you just know the show's dead from the very beginning.

1. Iron Fist (Netflix, 2017)

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe is known (well, was known until recently) for its high-quality production, but its foray into Netflix original series was hit-or-miss, and Iron Fist was a definite miss. The first season was plagued with unimpressive fight scenes, a lackluster narrative, and character development that seemed to have been concocted in a New York minute. Despite a resounding meh from critics and audiences, Netflix still greenlit a second season. We'll never know whether that was due to contractual obligations or someone losing a dare in the corporate office. The second season did manage to improve slightly on the first, but not enough to lift the show out of the basement of Marvel's efforts.

2. Insatiable (Netflix, 2018)

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Insatiable is one of those shows that make you scratch your head and ask, Who thought this was a good idea? Filled with off-color humor, an often problematic depiction of weight loss and body image, and characters as thin as the paper they were written on, it felt more like a misguided attempt at satire than a compelling comedy-drama. Despite the avalanche of negative reviews following the first season, Netflix, seemingly adopting the mantra of any publicity is good publicity, served up a second helping of Insatiable in 2019. Spoiler alert: it wasn't any tastier.

3. Under the Dome (CBS, 2013)

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A Stephen King adaptation is usually a recipe for success, but Under the Dome seemed to have left the oven on for too long. The show, about a town mysteriously trapped under an invisible dome, started out promisingly enough, but soon devolved into a mishmash of contrived plots and nonsensical character decisions. Despite the noticeable dip in quality and ratings during the first season, CBS chose to imprison viewers for two more seasons under the dome. However, even the most optimistic fans would agree that the series should have found its way to the chopping block earlier.

4. The Walking Dead: World Beyond (AMC, 2020)

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond was a spin-off that no one asked for. While the original series, The Walking Dead, had its ups and downs, it at least provided compelling drama and exciting zombie-killing action. In contrast, World Beyond offered more talking, less walking (dead), and teenage angst that felt more at home in a high-school drama than a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Despite an unenthusiastic response, AMC gave it a second season. Maybe they hoped for a late bloom, but it seems World Beyond was already rotten to the core.

5. 13 Reasons Why (Netflix, 2017)

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13 Reasons Why started as a haunting exploration of teen tragedy and quickly descended into a controversial and often distasteful spectacle. The adaptation of Jay Asher's novel initially caught viewers' attention with its gritty themes and compelling performances, but the decision to extend the story beyond the book's narrative was questionable at best. Subsequent seasons drifted into melodrama, with increasingly implausible plot developments that didn't so much push the envelope as blow it to smithereens. Despite a public outcry and critical mauling, Netflix insisted on producing four seasons in total, demonstrating that sometimes, there can be too many reasons why.

6. Secret Diary of a Call Girl (ITV2, 2007)

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Secret Diary of a Call Girl had all the makings of an intriguing show: an attractive lead in Billie Piper, a taboo subject matter, and a racy narrative based on a real-life blog. Yet, the execution was more lackluster than a faded red light bulb. Despite Piper's commendable efforts, the show ultimately failed to balance its glamorized portrayal of sex work with any real depth or commentary. Yet, much like its persistently peppy protagonist, the show managed to soldier on for four seasons, despite critics wishing it would just hang up the phone.

7. Heroes: Reborn (NBC, 2015)

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NBC's decision to revive Heroes, a show that itself didn't merit its later seasons, with Heroes: Reborn was puzzling. The series retained the original's knack for introducing intriguing characters but then not knowing what to do with them, resulting in a frustrating watch. The narrative was as messy as a toddler's playroom, and no amount of superpowered cleaning could sort it out. Despite lackluster reviews and dwindling ratings, NBC persisted and produced a second season, proving that hope (or in this case, misplaced optimism) truly is the last power to die.

8. Fuller House (Netflix, 2016)

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The revival of the classic 90s sitcom Full House seemed to operate on the assumption that nostalgia can cover a multitude of sins. Unfortunately, Fuller House proved that even a large dollop of nostalgia can't mask poor writing, over-the-top acting, and the lack of a compelling storyline. The show, while providing brief sparks of joy for die-hard fans of the original series, mostly felt like an unnecessary cash grab from Netflix. Despite the lukewarm response to the first season, the streaming giant went on to produce five seasons in total, effectively turning a brief reunion tour into a long, weary slog.

9. The Mist (Spike, 2017)

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Another Stephen King adaptation gone awry, The Mist, managed to be a pea-soup-thick mix of clichéd characters, predictable storylines, and a pace so slow, you'd think it was wading through... well, mist. While the novella and the 2007 film adaptation maintained a tense atmosphere and a sense of claustrophobia, the series opted for melodrama over suspense. Spike apparently had a different weather forecast and went ahead with a second season, only for it to be as foggy and unexciting as the first.

10. The X-Files Revival (Season 10 and 11, Fox, 2016)

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The return of the cult classic The X-Files was an exciting prospect for many fans. Yet, the revival felt more like an alien abduction than a joyous reunion. Sure, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson were back as Mulder and Scully, but the magic of the original series seemed lost in time, like a misplaced government file. The scripts were disjointed, the narrative arcs muddled, and the conspiracy theories lacked the intrigue of earlier seasons. Despite the mediocre response to the 10th season, Fox ordered an 11th, continuing the series' tradition of dragging out the truth – only this time, it wasn't out there, but rather should have been left there.