
10 'Serious' Movies with Ridiculous Plot Twists That Turned Them Into Comedies

10 'Serious' Movies with Ridiculous Plot Twists That Turned Them Into Comedies
Image credit: Summit Entertainment, STXfilms

Some movies take themselves too seriously but then throw the dumbest, most bizarre plot twists at you and turn into low-budget comedies.

10. Remember Me (2010)

Robert Pattinson ’s Remember Me remains a serious romance drama for the vast majority of its duration. A troubled rich kid falls in love with a NYPD Detective’s daughter; they go through a lot together and admit their feelings to each other… And then, out of absolutely nowhere, he dies in the 9/11 attack. The end. Seriously?

9. Lucy (2014)

Scarlett Johansson 's Lucy explores the classic “people are only using 10% of their brains” scenario. Thanks to the experimental drug, a drug mule gains access to many skills and knowledge… Fast-forward: she evaporates, meets the first human, sees the Big Bang, and stores All Knowledge Ever on a bloody USB, of all things.

8. The Happening (2008)

Mark Wahlberg’s The Happening has an interesting approach to the apocalypse: all over the world, people start killing themselves. The situation looks serious, more and more people die by their own hands… As it turns out, it’s all because of a toxin that plants suddenly start releasing as part of their new anti-human defense mechanism.

7. Army of the Dead (2021)

In Zack Snyder’s version of the zombie apocalypse, it was successfully contained to Las Vegas. The city is soon to be destroyed with an atomic bomb, but before that happens, someone sends a group of mercenaries to steal $200M from its vaults… Apparently, they were only there to steal a smart zombie — and didn’t know about it.

6. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

Steven Spielberg really did something special in the Crystal Skull. From the start of the movie, there’s a very obvious bad guy who tries to mess up Indiana. He then claims to be a double agent but continues trying to mess up Indiana. What’s the twist here, you may ask?.. In the end, he “reveals” he’s been a triple agent all along!

5. Django Unchained (2012)

Dubbed one of Quentin Tarantino ’s best movies, Django Unchained has all the tell-tale signs of the director’s work — including bizarre twists that make you burst out laughing. The ostentatious coffin that’s been dragged about for the entirety of the movie turns out to have contained a… Gatling gun waiting for its moment.

4. Wild Mountain Thyme (2020)

Emily Blunt ’s Wild Mountain Thyme exists on the intersection of romantic drama and romcom, but for the most part, you’re invested in the protagonist’s developing relationship with a charming guy who keeps dismissing her attempts at getting closer… You’ll never guess why, so we’ll just tell you: he thinks he’s a bloody bee.

3. Sweet Girl (2021)

Jason Momoa’s recent action drama, Sweet Girl, shows him as a grieving husband whose wife was killed by Big Pharma’s greed. He swears to avenge her and protect their little daughter, and for the majority of screen time, we watch Momoa dispatch enemies… Until we learn that he’s dead and it was his daughter killing all of them.

2. The Circle (2017)

Emma Watson’s The Circle taps into the Black Mirror territory, exploring the dangers of uncontrolled technological advancements. After getting a job at a powerful tech corporation, the protagonist works with a new social media that puts all of humanity at risk… And that social media killed her boyfriend in a road accident. Don’t ask.

1. Serenity (2019)

Matthew McConaughey’s Serenity is a proper thriller at first. A fishing boat captain’s son asks him to kill his mother’s new abusive husband and free them from his tyranny. The captain struggles with accepting this task… Especially when he learns that he’s an AI character in his desperate son’s video game and nothing matters.