10 Near-Perfect TV Shows With (Almost) No Plot Holes

10 Near-Perfect TV Shows With (Almost) No Plot Holes
Image credit: globallookpress, Netflix

Making a show is already a lot more difficult than making a movie, because the longer running time requires more commitment from both directors and actors, and the fickle nature of TV ratings can easily derail the whole production midway through, but when you add narrative to the equation, the idea of making a show becomes even more daunting.

The thing is, writers not only have to create the perfect fictional world and fill it with compelling heroes, but they also have to make sure that no plot holes appear during the show's multi-year life cycle.

Here are 10 great TV shows with no plot holes:

All of the shows mentioned above are remembered first and foremost as writing tour-de-force, presenting fans with unique stories so sharply written that it is simply not an option not to fall in love with them. Needless to say, most well-written shows have no problem with plot holes, but 10 masterpieces on this list managed to get rid of narrative problems once and for all.

Even the most tedious and minor details are carefully explained by the writers, and every plot set-up has its punch line in this show, because the writers took their job seriously and tried to perfect the viewing experience for even the most picky fans.