10 Must-Watch Rom Com TV Shows To Stream in April on Netflix, Prime & More

10 Must-Watch Rom Com TV Shows To Stream in April on Netflix, Prime & More
Image credit: Netflix

There was a moment in history when romcoms ruled the movie industry, but now they have sufficiently moved to a smaller format, so if you need your dose of cute love stories, then you can easily find them on streaming services. And who knows, maybe it will prepare you for the upcoming romcom renaissance on the big screen.

From teenage romance mixing the love story with a coming-of-age plot to the stories of painfully relatable and realistically flawed adults, this list has it all.

While mostly these shows focus on cuteness and wholesomeness, they also touch upon some heavy topics, like addiction, acceptance in society, loss of precious people, traumatic experiences in life, and many more.

The good thing is that these are series, meaning that the characters and their relationship have a lot of screen time to grow and develop in a very organic and not rushed manner.

This heightens the realism of the stories, showing relatable dynamics both in romantic relationships and in friendships that form along the way. These shows offer a mix of tried-and-true tropes with something more unique that adds a little spice to the stories that may seem a little bland at first.