10 Most Beloved Game of Thrones Monarchs Who Could Actually Rule Well

10 Most Beloved Game of Thrones Monarchs Who Could Actually Rule Well
Image credit: HBO

They might not have kept their thrones for long, but they were ultimately the best Westeros could’ve gotten.

10. Khal Drogo Was the Best Khalasar Leader

Starting off with a couple of non-Iron Throne contestants, Daenerys Targaryen’s unlikely husband Drogo was the perfect Dothraki ruler. He had the raw physical power, combat prowess, and charisma it took to lead a Khalasar, was well-respected and fearless… And at the same time, he was just open-minded enough to change his traditions when the Moon of his life asked him to, showing his compassion, too.

9. Mance Rayder United Many Rivaling Tribes

All hail the King Beyond the Wall! While Mance would never have fared in King’s Landing, he was a great leader for the Free Folk. Charismatic, strong, and educated, Mance managed to unite numerous tribes that had previously been at each others’ throats for centuries and millennia. Mance Rayder died but still completed his ultimate goal in the end, saving many Wildlings from death and proving his word’s worth.

8. Petyr Baelish Could Maintain Perfect Balance

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Not quite a monarch but rather an almighty power broker, Lord Baelish was ruthless and unstoppable in his lust for power — but beloved as a character, nonetheless. What makes us think he’d make a strong ruler? Well, Littlefinger always knew the ongoing power struggles and knew exactly how to shift the odds, so he would’ve maintained the perfect political balance in the Seven Kingdoms effortlessly.

7. Stannis Baratheon Was Hellbent on Justice

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Stannis the Mannis resorted to dire and even vile methods to claim the Iron Throne, but if he inherited it peacefully, he would’ve been perhaps the best King possible. Properly obsessed with law and justice, Stannis had a strong will and disregard for political schemes that would have allowed him to largely rid Westeros of crime and evil. Unfortunately, he didn’t get a chance to do — and was corrupted himself.

6. Sansa Stark Turned Into a Scary Queen

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Not at all a fit for King’s Landing as she never learned to play the game of thrones, Sansa Stark in her final form was a great Queen in the North. The respect of her family name secured her position, and her powerful political alliances and bonds with the Riverlands and the Vale made her one of the most prominent power players. Her character also changed as hardships and betrayals made Sansa strong and ruthless.

5. Robb Stark Was His Father’s Better Version

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Sansa’s older brother Robb also had all the chances to be a great King in the North. Albeit, he had to put on the crown while he was still too young and rash, leading him to several strategic mistakes. Despite that, Robb was sure to grow up into a noble, wise, and just ruler, and he already had the respect of his people secured. Robb Stark was two mistakes away from being the perfect King for the Northerners.

4. Renly Baratheon Was Beloved and Charismatic

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Another case of being too young and rash, Renly Baratheon was a solid contestant for the Iron Throne. He lost his chance not to his own mistake but to his brother’s radicalism, so — not his fault. But even if Renly stayed alive, he was unlikely to win at that point: like many others pointed out, it was all just a game for him. Had Renly been a little more light-headed, he would’ve made one of the best Kings ever.

3. Jon Snow Was the King That Was Promised

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Jon Snow’s candidacy is among the weirdest to consider. His compassion, tactical mind, honor, and, most importantly, lack of desire to rule could make him an amazing King… But seeing how he was an absolute stranger to the game of thrones, he wouldn’t have lasted in King’s Landing. Still, he was a great leader, and just like Sansa and Robb, Jon aka Aegon was perfectly fit to be the King in the North.

2. Daenerys Targaryen Hated Injustice and Lies

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Okay, we get it: Daenerys Targaryen was questionable in her methods long before she went into a frenzy and decided to decimate King’s Landing for no reason. But on the other hand, Dany’s ruthlessness to those who wronged others was her strong suit: with the right advisors, which she had several of, she would’ve been a great Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And for once, she had an actual birthright to it.

1. Tommen Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell Were the Ultimate Powerhouse

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These two must be studied as a duo — and yes, we believe they were the absolute best option for the Seven Kingdoms. Tommen’s generosity and kindness coupled with Margaery’s political mind and awareness, plus both of them guided and taught by Lord Tywin and Lady Olenna, respectively… They would’ve been a powerhouse, unstoppable in their Houses’ alliance and considerate in their rule. If not for Cersei (who’s pointedly not included in this list), Westeros was in for a great era with them.