
10 Films with Plot Twists So Predictable, We All Saw Them Coming

10 Films with Plot Twists So Predictable, We All Saw Them Coming
Image credit: Legion-Media

Let's face it, everyone loves a good unexpected twist at the end of a movie, that's why we all love those cheesy M. Night Shyamalan movies, right?

However, sometimes the writers really manage to jump the shark with their big twist at the end, making it pretty obvious from the beginning of the movie and totally ruining the experience for fans who were willing to give the movie a benefit of the doubt.

While some of the examples on this list don't actually destroy the movie itself – we still love "The Village" as a movie, even though its finale just stinks – others actually derail the whole story for no apparent reason.

Take "Remember Me" for example. Up until that horribly manipulative final scene, the movie was a total blast, with a great performance by Robert Pattinson and a genuinely moving love story. The writers' decision to tie the romance to 9/11 was so bad that no one in their right mind will recommend this movie to their friends.

In recent years, however, it seems that Hollywood has finally understood that a good plot twist is a difficult thing to master, and has decided to leave them out of big productions altogether, leaving this tricky device to TV shows and B-movies.