
10 Best Zombie Movies of the Last Decade to Watch on Netflix in April

10 Best Zombie Movies of the Last Decade to Watch on Netflix in April
Image credit: Universal Pictures, Netflix

Let's face it - zombies are awesome! Sure, the slow-walking, mindless monsters may seem a little dull and uninspired after more than 60 years on the silver screen, but these iconic movie villains still have a lot of fight left in them, and they continue to make appearances in contemporary movies and TV shows.

And while the heyday of zombie movies was in the '70s, modern directors are still experimenting with the genre, surprising fans from time to time with original takes on cinema's most notorious monsters,

Here are the 10 best zombie movies on Netflix:

While some of the movies on this list are well known, we specifically tried to pick as many underrated features as possible, as it's the only way to really learn how far zombies have come from the early George Romero films to become something much more menacing than the slow monsters they once were.

Not all of the movies mentioned above were created by Netflix, but the fact that the streaming giant has acquired so many zombie features speaks volumes about how popular zombies still are.

They may look dumb and boring at first glance, but zombie imagery is actually a lot more complex than you might think!