
10 Best Western Movies That Somehow Work With Little or No Action Scenes

10 Best Western Movies That Somehow Work With Little or No Action Scenes
Image credit: Legion-Media, Netflix

Some people associate Westerns with cool shoot-outs and high-paced chasing scenes, and they will be thrilled to know that these moments, while prominent in the movies of this genre, are not imperative to them.

This list proves that a Western movie doesn't require flashy gunfights and action to be good.

Western, undoubtedly, is not simply a genre: at first, it's a setting, and any kind of story can unfold in these circumstances.

You're in the Wild, Wild West, and you don't necessarily have to be a sheriff, or an outlaw, or anyone else to be a star of a Western movie. Or even if you are, you don't have to chase criminals, rob trains, or settle a decade-old grudge with your former partner to move the plot forward.

Sometimes, a bit of human drama that doesn't involve any guns is enough to make the story captivating. Seeing the progress that the characters make throughout their journey depicted in a movie can be quite interesting even when the filmmakers are not forcing them into life-and-death situations all the time.

So broaden your horizons of understanding what Western is by getting acquainted with these movies: some stories, even in this setting, don't need action.