No Sequel Needed: 10 Perfect Movies Ruined by Their Follow-ups
No Sequel Needed: 10 Perfect Movies Ruined by Their Follow-ups
These movies were so perfect they left us saying, "Please, don't ruin this with a sequel." But did Hollywood listen? No, they didn't. Duh.
Did Harry Potter Unknowingly Create the Next Dark Lord after Defeating Voldemort?
Did Harry Potter Unknowingly Create the Next Dark Lord after Defeating Voldemort?
There’s a chance that one of Harry’s post-battle decisions could lead to the next Dark Lord rising, and we can’t help but feel that The Boy Who Lived chose wrong.
Guilty Pleasures: 10 TV Shows You Love But Would Never Admit
Guilty Pleasures: 10 TV Shows You Love But Would Never Admit
These guilty pleasure TV shows may not be Emmy-worthy, but they have a certain charm that makes them irresistible to many viewers.
Fan Art Imagines Cillian Murphy as Marvel Villain Fans've Been Begging to See for Years
Fan Art Imagines Cillian Murphy as Marvel Villain Fans've Been Begging to See for Years
If someone asked you about Marvel’s most iconic villains, we bet Dr. Doom would be on the list. 
12 Roles Where Famous Actors Were Clearly Just in it for the Money
12 Roles Where Famous Actors Were Clearly Just in it for the Money
Here are 10 examples of when some of our most beloved actors took on roles that were, to put it lightly, not their best.
5 Big-Name Movies Ruined by Behind-the-Scenes Feuds
5 Big-Name Movies Ruined by Behind-the-Scenes Feuds
Sometimes, a great movie can be utterly ruined by an internal conflict that's happening behind the scenes — and that's exactly what happened with these five films.
10 Classic Movies That Should've Never Been Remade
10 Classic Movies That Should've Never Been Remade
Hold on tight, it might get a bit messy.
4 Brilliant Actors Who Received Both Oscar and Golden Raspberry
4 Brilliant Actors Who Received Both Oscar and Golden Raspberry
There is only one step from a brilliant role to a complete failure.
Facepalm Finale: 10 Worst TV Show Endings That Ruined Everything
Facepalm Finale: 10 Worst TV Show Endings That Ruined Everything
These series didn't just drop the ball; they punted it straight out of the stadium.
Ant-Man Star Was Near-Cast as a Different Marvel Character
Ant-Man Star Was Near-Cast as a Different Marvel Character
The Hawkeye series could have been really different.